December, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
IV. C oncerning th e M eeting
the chief corner stone.” And not only is the Lord Jesus the corner stone o f this church which is composed of all true believers, but He is also the central theme of the Bible. His influence is seen in the best that may be found in our civilization, in the finest in our art and literature. He is the One “altogether lovely” to the believer. Through His cross, where He “his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree” (1 Pet. 2:24), and at the empty tomb where He “was raised up from the dead by the glory o f the Father . . . [that] we also should walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:4), the Lord Jesus Christ has “given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness)) (2 Pet. 1:3). For a great future day, the Father’s purpose is that “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And) that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory o f God the Father.” That recognition may be given by individuals today. Within the verses given for our lesson, the mighty work o f the Trinity is set forth. We read o f “the household o f God,” “ Jesus Christ himself being the chief cor ner stone,” and that “ye . . . are builded together for a habitation o f God through the Spirit.” By the grace of our triune God, the true: church of Jesus Christ “groweth unto a hob' temple in the Lord” —a living body of believers through whom His love and power may be manifested to the world. What is a church? A band of faithful men Met for God’s worship in some humble room, O r screened from foes by midnight’s starlit gloom, On hillside or lone glen T o hear the counsels of God’s holy Word,' , : Pledged to each other and their common Lord. These, few as they may be, Compose a church, such as in pristine age Defied the tyrant’s steel, the bigot’s rage. For, when but two or three, Whate’er the place, in faith’s communion meet, There, with Christ present, is a church complete. — S elected . II. I ndestructible One of the Red Republicans of 1793 told a good French peasant, “We are going to pull down your churches and your steeples—all that recalls past ages and all that brings to your mind the idea of God.” “ Citizen,” replied the peasant, “pull •down the stars, then.!’ The church is built upon a strong foun dation—upon Christ Himself. —Sunday Companion. III. “J esus C h rist . . . th e C hief C orner S tone ” A humble Christian woman, as she lay dying, overheard the doctor whisper to the nurse, “ She is sinking fast.” The dying woman smiled and replied: "“I’m not sinking; I can’t sink through a Rock .”-—The Sunday School Chronicle. Helps for the Leader I. W h at I s a C h u r c h ?
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This has been named “Denominational Day.” The Christian Endeavor movement has always stood for denominational loy alty, and I think that this fact has been one reason fo r ’ the organization’s marvel ous growth. Possible themes for testi monies for this meeting might b e : “Why I Love My Church,” “What My Church ’ Means to Me,” and “How Can I Best Serve My Church?”
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