King's Business - 1935-12

“Against his Ano in ted” “ The kings of the earth set themselves . . . against the Lord > and against his anointed, saying let us break their bands asunder Psa. 2:2-3 . ■. It will be the last great conspiracy! The Holy Child that was born in the humble manger 1900 years ago, was also given an astonishing promise:— “ The Lord God shall give unto Him the throne »of His father David.” Luke 1 :32. This involves a kingdom, and a kingdom in which through a restored Israel God will bring mil­ lennial glory upon this earth. But the Devil will oppose God’s program, and will persuade the nations to ;'“break their bands asunder,” and to undertake the destruction of the Jews in the final Armageddon explo­ sion. But in doing this they will be plotting “Against his anointed” ! Thus, a stab at the Jew is a stab at .the heart of God! Anti-Semitism is o f the Devil who is seeking desper­ ately to destroy the Jewish nation. That is why the child o f God has no part in Jew-hating propaganda. A Hitler in Germany, a Stalin in Russia,, massacres of Jews in Po­ land, bloodshed in Roumania, a Nazi Jew hate propaganda in America-— surely the Child o f God wants npne of these things! It is the Christmas season again. Shall we not share the Gospel mes­ sage of peace and good will with the Israel of the dispersion, the Israel that today is sending out a cry which must reach the very heart of God— Where Shall We Go? Our work merits your every con­ fidence. It is a program o f world­ wide Gospel testimony to Israel—a program which fulfills the command of Isaiah 40:1|9“ Comfort ye, my people.” - Your fellowship is truly needed in these sad days for Israel. Our paper THE CHOSEN PEOPLE is sent to contributors; and is proving a blessing to many of the Lord’s people. May we hear from you? American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc. 31 Throop Ave. • Brooklyn, N. Y .

PAU L W. ROOD. Editor M ildred M. C ook , Managing Editor H. S. R is l e y , Circulation Manager

Published Monthly by and Represent* ing the Bible Institute of Los Angeles

SheSifcle Tamil#3ha#^ine M otto : “ Unto him that loved us , and washed us from our sins in his own blood .” —R ev . 1 :5.

Volume X X V I

December, 1935

Number 12


The cover design this month is by Ransom D. Marvin.

Around the King’s Table— Paul W . Rood....................... ................. 443 Born of a Virgin—Albert Hughes........................................................ 445 Christmas Every Day of the Year— Herbert Lockyer...................... 446 Christmas at Changsha— Grace Pike Roberts............... ................. ....448 ^ God’s Plan for Our Age— Louis S. Bauman................................. :.....450 Junior King’s Business^-Martha S. Hooker........................................453 International Lesson Commentary.........................................................455 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Mary G. Goodner.............................464 Daily Devotional Readings........................................... 470 Bible Institute Family Circle.............................. ....478 Our Literature Table......................................... 479



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A D V ER T ISIN G : For Information with reference to advertising in THE KING'S BUSINESS, address the ADVERTISING MANAGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern representative. Religious Press Association, 325 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or 333 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. M A N U SCRIPTS: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.

POLICY AS D EFIN E D BY TH E BOARD OF D IRECTO RS OF TH E B IB L E IN ST ITU TE OF LOS A N G ELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power ef the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize In strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith.

SS8 So. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Los Angeles, California

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