December, 1985
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
V. S e c u r it y
ganization which is also called “the church.” Each Endeavorer should seek to inform himself on the fundamental teach ings of his own denomination, comparing them with Scripture teaching.
This lesson offers a good opportunity to differentiate between the church which is the body o f Christ (cf. Col. 1 :18, 24)— the true church composed of all believers, and on the other hand, the denomination to which the individual belongs, the or
The Spreckels Building on Market Street, San Francisco, Calif., is eighteen stories high. It is a tall, slender structure, square in form and apparently without sufficient base for such a tall building. When the great earthquake of 1906 occur red, it was estimated by scientific men that the swaying o f the tall Spreckels Building carried the center of gravity beyond the base line many times during those fearful forty-eight seconds. But when the building was erected, the wise builder “dug deep and laid the foun dations” aright. The building has a steel frame, and the frame does not rest upon the loose sand which underlies so much of San Francisco. The architect pierced through the loose material at the surface and anchored the steel frame in great wells blasted from the solid rock, and afterward filled in around the bases of the steel frame with cement. When the eighteenth o f April came, testing every man’s work o f what sort it was, the huge weight of the swaying building was held in place because it was founded on a rock. It gripped that which was abiding. — C h a r l e s R. B r o w n , VI. E v a l u a t in g t h e C h u r c h The world’s obligation to the church is great. Dr. Bushnell answered a rich worldling who questioned the value of the church: “My friend, I want you to think of something: What was real estate worth in Sodom?”—G. B. F. H a l l o c k . Another thing to notice about this shoe is that it has a tongue, but it cannot speak. When Christ came to earth, people could talk; but their talk was not the kind that pleased Him. They were speaking “out o f the abundance o f the heart,” and their words were mostly unclean, because their hearts were evil. This shoe has a sole, but it cannot go to heaven. The lost souls o f men, women, and children brought Jesus Christ to earth to die for their salvation. As I look at this old shoe, I am reminded o f the words of Christ: “ The Spirit o f the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the cap tives, and recovering o f sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year o f the Lord.” If you have not received the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, He longs to save your soul, to open your blind eyes, and to give you a clean tongue with which to sing His praises. New Songs Three new selections, “Up in God’s Stratosphere,” “The Sin-Cleansing Foun tain,” and “ Carry Me Back to Calvary,” are contained in the leaflet published by May King, care o f Salvation Army Camp, Redondo Beach, Calif. Miss King has written both the words and music for the song, “Up in God’s Stratosphere.’’ The other two numbers use well-known tunes. The leaflet is on sale at 10 cents a copy. OBJECT LESSON [Continued from page 463]
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