T H E K I N O ’ S B U S I N E S S
December, 1935
CHRISTMAS EVERY D AY [Continued from page 447] see God’s stars 1 As stars may we never lose our brilliance 1 T h ey G ave W h at T h ey H ad to C hrist Once in the presence o f the royal Child, the wise men presented unto Him their gifts. Having searched, they now sur render. Finding Christ, the Unspeakable Gift, we freely yield our treasures unto Him. He will not accept our possessions, however, until He has pur persons. It is ourselves He desires. Let us think of all He surrendered on our behalf: Heaven was forfeited; shame was endured; His tears and blood were shed for our miser able souls. What can we give Him ? Well, our sin, and He will banish it; our past, and He will blot it out; our heart, and He will purify it ; our life, and He will enrich it. “ Give yourself to Jesus; He is calling you,’! we sometimes sing, and He does not want our prayers, worship, work, gifts, money, until He has our souls. In this season o f gifts when our generosity abounds, let us not forget something for Jesus. Let us open to Him the treasures o f our lives 1 T h ey W ent H ome A nother W ay Is it not somewhat suggestive to read that the wise men, having discovered Christ, “departed . . . . another way” ? Through the medium o f a dream, God delivered them from the' treachery of Herod, and when the king saw how he had been deluded, his wrath was itensi- fied. Now, if we want a Christmas every day, we too must learn how to go home another way. The wise men represent true worship. They glorified the Babe, and, recognizing His deity, surrendered all that they had to Him. Herod is a fitting type o f the old monarch o f Self, who ever trembles lest he should lose the throne o f the heart. The wise men honored Jesus; Herod hated Him. The one gave treasures, the other, treachery. Hearing of the birth o f Christ, Herod was enraged and jealous. And, afraid lest he should lose his throne, he stands for the forces o f Satan and the self life and for all antichristian forces. If Jesus is born in your heart as Saviour, you will quickly discover a Herod, within and without, eager to thwart and destroy all that is o f Christ. Determine, however, to shun Herod, and go home another way. Jesus is the Way, the Way o f fruit, obedience, love, and salvation^ The wise men came from Herod, but they never returned to him. You were born in sin; may you not die in it. May your journey end in another way! Per haps you are at this present moment de spondent-full o f despair, chafing under sorrow or some providential chastisement. Perhaps the fast-departing year has been one of spiritual failure—sin has dogged your footsteps. Well, to all selfish indul gences and worldly enjoyments and em ployments say, “Good-bye.” Go home an other way. Friend, you can go home an other way, for you can know what it is to have Christ born in your heart. If you commenced this day a Christless soul, you can go home ere the day closes, another way. Let your prayer be: “Holy Spirit, Thou art my Star; I’ll follow Thee to Jesus, and thus go home to eternity another way.”
FOUR CENTURIES in English of the Ten Com mandments and the Sermon on the Mount ! Four centuries in English of the 23rd Psalm and the 14th of John! Four centuries in English of Micah 6:8 and John 3:16! Four cen turies in English of the Golden Rule and the Great Commis sion! Four centuries in English of the Word of God ! THE ENGLISH BIBLE has brought its helpful messages of comfort, counsel, challenge, and redemption to hundreds of thousands You are among those who have tested its truths, lived by its light, and proved its promises. BUT RIGHT HERE IN THE UNITED STATES there are many without the Bible; in far away lands there are count less thousands who have never seen even a single Gospel; there are hundreds of languages in which no part of Scripture has ever been translated. AND THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY IS EQUIPPED and ready to speed the translation of the Bible into other tongues, to publish it in inexpensive editions for missionary use, and to make the loved heritage of the English Bible the pos session of multitudes both in this country and abroad.* But to do this requires funds. AS CHRISTMAS APPROACHES can you think of a better way of showing your gratitude for your own Bible than by helping others to have the Scriptures ? A gift to the American Bible Society will do just that. TH E BIBLE IS Y O U R HER ITAGE . T O G IVE I T T O O T H E R S IS Y O U R P R I V I L E G E .
A merican B ible S ociety Bible House, Astor Place, New York, N. Y.
Dear Friends: Out of gratitude for what the Bible has meant to me and in recognition of four hundred years of the printed English Bible, I am sending you herewith % .........- ..... » that I may share this precious heritage with others.
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♦Last year the Society distributed 7,517,548 Bibles, Testaments, Gospels, and Portions, in 148 languages, and in more than forty countries.
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