King's Business - 1935-12


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1935

"ETHIOPIA & MUSSOLINI IN THE LIGHT OF PROPHECY." 35c postpaid. Paul Holsinger SEND NO STAMPS 548 20th St. :: Oakland, California A Real Gift! Studies in Revelation By W. Leon Tucker, D.D. Any Preacher, S. S. Teacher, or any Christian would cherish this ideal gift. 390 pages. 75 great lessons on the Book. Best cloth binding. Only $2.00 (Outside the U.S.A. $2.20). Order early JOHN YOUNG, Publisher 2 Court St. Dept. KD Binghamton, N. Y. SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS. Gospel workers. 25c will bring 2 copies John Bunyan’s Questions and Answers. Illustrated. 72-page Booklet. Splendid to hand Inquirers and others. Frank M. Stearns, Burlington, Vt.

DAI LY “Devotional“Readings A M E S S A G E F O R E V E R Y D A Y OF T H E M O N T H

JANUARY 1 Go Forward "Speak unto the children o f Israel, that they go forward” .(Ex. 14:15). , We are told to forget the things that are past and to press forward to the things that lie ahead. I believe the past has been put under the blood, and that it is for you and me, in the strength of the Lord, and in obedience to Him, to go forward in His might. The Lord never brings us, individually or collectively, into places where either retreat is necessary or ad­ vancement p o s s ib le ;’ Sometimes we bring ourselves into such placed; but.-we are not there because the Lord has led us there. True it is, that the Lord does sometimes lead into places of intense diffi­ culty, such as the one of which we read in this portion from Exodus . . . But the childremdf Israel, realizing that the Lord had brought them into that position . . . could with confidence look up to Him, knowing assuredly! that He would come and intervene •oti their behalf' and give deliverance.— G eorge W. G ibb . ’ "God forbid that I should.,$in against the Lord in ceasing to pray fo r you” (1 Sam. 12:23). One of the greatest gifts we can use for others is the priestly gift of intercession. We can help one another by prayer. This is a great mystery, and we‘ cannot under­ stand fully why it should be. either neces­ sary or possible; but the clear revelation o f Holy Scripture, and the experience of the saints throughout the ages, alike bear testimony to .;the glorious value of this sacred task. In considering this solemn principle of giving what we have, it is important that we should, first of all, accept the principle itself. It is not optional; it is obligatory. It is not something from which we may excuse ourselyesi it is included in our daily discipleship. Once we have accepted the principle, God will shoyv us by His Holy 'Spirit how we are to apply it and make it practical.— L ife o f Faith. JANUARY 3 The Dwelling Place of the Holy Spirit “ Your body is the temple, o f the Holy Ghost?’ (1 Cor. 6:19). O Thou Eternal Spirit who brooded over the abysmal waters and brought cos­ mos out of chaos; Thou, the everpresent One from whom there is no hiding place; . . . Thou, who art the Source of power and wisdom and the Spirit of glory; Thou great Revealer, who gave visions to the seer and words to the singer and truth to the recorder of Holy W rit: I thank Thee that Thou didst move over the sin- darkened deeps of my heart and woo me to God, begetting in me a new spirit, akin to Thine own, and revealing to me my Saviour! O Thou Holy Spirit of God, who alone canst cleanse, sanctify, enable: I thank Thee that Thou hast condescended to dwell in my heart. JANUARY 2 The Priestly Gift

“Fill me, Holy Spirit, fill me, All Thy filling I would know ; I am smallest of Thy vessels, Yet I much can overflow.” —A n n a J. L indgren .

JANUARY 4 Into the Secret Place

“ When thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which Seeth in secret shall reward thee openly” (Matt. 6:6). If you want power in prayer, you must have purity in life. If your faith is to grow exceedingly, you must maintain con­ stant intercourse with God. When no eye seeth you except the eye. of God, when darkness covers you, when' you are shut up from the observation for mortals, even then be ye like JeSus Christ. Remember His ardent piety, His secret d evotion - how, after laboriously preaching the whole day, He stole away in the midnight shades to cry for help from His God. Recollect how His entire life was con­ stantly sustained by fresh inspirations of the Holy Spirit, derived by prayer. Take care of your secret life: let it be such that you will, not be ashamed to read at the last great day. H B C iiaki . ks H addon S purgeon . JANUARY 5 The Finished Work of Christ “ When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is .finished” (John 19:30). The mind that was :in Him must be in u$*-it must be our meat, the strength of our life, to do the will o f God in all things, and to finish His work. There may be small things about which we are not con­ scientious, and so we bring harm to our­ selves and to God’s work. Or we draw back before some great.-'thing which de­ mands too much sacrifice. In every case, we may find strength to perform our duty in Christ’s w ord: “It is finished.” His finished work secured the victory over every foe. By faith, we may appropriate that dying word of Christ. . , . “ It is fin­ ished.” Faith in what Christ accomplished on the cross will enable you to manifest in daily life the spirit of the cross. IIB IIA ndrew M urray . JANUARY 6 Love That Cannot Be Compared “ God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5 :8). Christ . . . has submitted to the greatest o f all sacrifices for His- friends, for He has died that they might have life, and have it more abundantly; and what great­ er love can there be than that which makes a man lay down his life for his friend? History tells of patriots, who generously suffered and died for their country’s weal. It tells of Greek and Ro­ man chiefs, who died that their country might be free; and it records the glorious deeds of Scottish martyrs, “who foiled a


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