December, 1935
tyrant’s and a bigot’s power.” But to compare the love of Christ with that affec tion which prompts to deeds even of high est patriotism, is indeed to compare small things with great. . . . so generous is the love and friendship of Christ, that there is nothing either similar or equal to it among men. It “passeth knowledge,” says Paul.— G eorge H ope M o n ilaw s . JANUARY 7 Back to the Book “ This hook of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night” (Josh. 1 :8). We need a widespread revival o f Bible study. These mines of Scripture, lying beneath the surface, call loudly for in vestigation and discovery;: and those who shall obey the appeal, and set themselves to the devout and laborious study of the inner meaning of the Word, shall be soon aware that they have received the filling that they seek.T|—F. B. M eyer . JANUARY 8 Spoiled Christians , "A s many as I love; I rebuke and chasten” (Rev. 3:19). It is very sad to find so many spoiled' Christians. They‘ began well, but they are spoiled. Some of them have been spoiled through blessing, success; spiritual gifts,, and usefulness, and they have lost their simplicity, humility, ' and Christlikeness/ and a subtle but unmistakable self-con sciousness and self-importance hinder' all; their best ministries, . . . Like a wise and faithful father, God has sometimes to put His spoiled children under painful dis cipline to bring them back to the simplicity of Christ.BA. B. S im pson . God calling yet! shall I not rise ? Can I His loving voice despise, And basely His kind care repay? He calls me still; can I delay? — G erhard T ersteegen . JANUARY 9 Prayer That Commands Improbable Results “And Asa cried unto the Lord his God, and said, Lord, it is nothing with thee to ■ help" (2 Chron. 14:11). Hear the stricken monarch as, he kneels beneath the weight of a kingdom: “Lord, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with many, or with thpm that have no power.” Are there not, in the lives of us all, emergencies in which our deliverance may depend on our realizing that God is independent of the resources which decide human judgment? In certain extreme hours, very much may depend on the: depth o f our faith in this. Our own cour age may depend on it. Our power to energize others may depend on it. Our power with God may depend oh it. We need to feel that prayer may command improbable results, because it commands supernatural resources. Prayer never finds God overwhelmed by Surprise, iS § —A usten P helps , JANUARY 10 Going On “Leaving the principles of. the doctrine o f Christ, let us go on unto perfection” (Heb. 6:1). What is the use o f a foundation if you do not build upon it? You are to leave the foundation, in order that you may
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grow in Christ Jesus, and that you may build the superstructure. Full growth means, first of all, capacity and under standing. In Hebrews 5 :11, we read: “Of. whom we "have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing.” They were babes, because they were slow to take in what was said, “when for the time ye ought to be teachers;” Likewise'today, many people take in and -hoard up, instead of giving out. . . . Growth means learning fresh things about the Lord, and teaching fresh things about the Lord.BHuBERT B rooke . , “ I f any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, . . . this man’s religion is vain”, (Jas,' 1 :26). When our house takes, fire, the first impulse is to go for a bucket of water; but if temper takes fire, the first impulse is to throw on more fuel. Now the best water bucket for temper is resolute silence. If, whenever an irritating act were done, or an injury struck us, we should firmly seal our lips for even ten minutes, we would save ourselves many a quarrel, many a heartburn, many a mortification, many a disgrace to our religious pro fession. Speech is often explosive and shattering. Silence is cooling. It cools ,us off and cools other people. One of the calmest men I ever knew told me that he used to be violently passionate, and he broke his temper by resolutely bridling his tongue until he cooled down. ^ -T heodore C uyler . JANUARY 12 So Close and So Safe! “Much more, being reconciled, shaU we be saved in his life” (Rom. 5 :10, R.V., margin). JANUARY 11 In Case of Fire
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