King's Business - 1935-12

December, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


The Lord Jesus Christ is, to the dis­ ciple, not a channel only, but the Blessing itself, not a means or medium for the re­ ception of blessing, but Himself the Bless­ ing. . . . No wonder we are declared to be “kept safe in his life” 1 The arrow can­ not come to the eaglets when under the wings o f the mother eagle without first piercing her own body. Nothing that is meant to destroy or damage the believer can reach him without passing through the Lord Himself.;—A. T. P ierson . . “ This he said to prove him : for he him­ self knew what he would do" (John 6:6). At this very hour you may have come face to face with a most tremendous need, and Christ stands beside you looking at it, and questioning you about it. He says, in effect, “How are you going to meet it?” He is scrutinizing you. . . . He is watching you with a gentle, tender sympathy. . . . How many of us have failed in the test! We have taken out our pencil and paper, and commenced to figure out the two hun­ dred pennyworth of bread; or we have run off hither and thither to strong and wealthy friends to extricate u s; or we have sat down in utter despondency; or we have murmured against Him for bringing us into such a position. . . . Should we not have turned a sunny face to Christ, saying: “ Thou hast a plan: Thine is the responsibility, and Thou must tell me what to do. I have come so far into the path of obedience to Thy guiding Spirit: and now, what art Thou going to do?”—C. G. M oore . JANUARY 14 Christian, Beware of Sin “ Let no man lead you astray" (1 John 3:7, R. V .). Tampering with the label! Sin is trans­ gression. It is the deliberate climbing of the fence. Sin is intention. We sin when we are wide awake. There are teachers abroad who would soften words like these. To alter the label on the bottle does not change the character o f its contents. Poison is poison, give it what name you choose. Let us guard against the men whose pockets are filled with deceptive labels. Let us vigilantly resist all teaching which would chloroform our conscience. Let us call sin by its right name, and let us tolerate no conjuring either with our­ selves or others.-— J. H. J owett . Who does not know the awfulness of the shadows that lie close to this glory— the dread questionings of the mind over the election of God? But these shadows are cast, as shadows always are, by light. And the purpose of the light is, not to cast shadows, but to guide our steps. Do we indeed believe on the Son o f God? Have we indeed been “sealed with that Holy Spirit o f promise” ? Then let us leave absolutely to the Lord the unknown of the matter . . . But let us boldly grasp for our strength and joy the known o f the matter; the sovereign grace that lies be­ hind the sinner’s repentance, faith, hope, and love; the covenant, the purpose, the counsel, the will. — H andley C. G. M oule . JANUARY 13 The Text JANUARY 15 Chosen in Him “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation o f the world" (Eph. 1:4).

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