King's Business - 1935-12


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1935


JANUARY 18 Security "That . . . we might have a strong con­ solation” (Heb. 6:18). What security should I ask of God? He hath given me all the assurance in His Word. And though the Word of God be enough, yet He, willing to show more abundantly to “the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath: That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie,” I might have strong consolation. Oh, unrea­ sonable unbelief! What! Shall not the oath of God put an end to thy strife! O my God, I am satisfied; it is enough. Now I may be bold without presumption, and boast without pride, and will no more call my duty arrogance, nor my faith a fancy. . . . . Thy Word is enough; Thy bond is as good as ready payment. — R ic h a r d A l l e in e . JANUARY 19 Worshiping God Amid Testing “ Behold, all that he hath is in thy power" (Job 1:12). Job, in the midst o f his disasters, presents one o f the grandest scenes human nature has ever presented to wondering angels, malignant fiends, and suffering mortals. Job did not curse G od; he did not renounce Him; he worshiped. His attitude is that o f reverence and humiliation. His spirit is that of resignation and submission. He did not say: “Alas for me; all my hard- earned wealth is gone at a stroke!” He did not summon his neighbors to pursue and overtake those murderous Sabeans and Chaldeans. . . . How sweet to feel that everything you possess is God’s gift to you. How glorious it is to be able to sing in the midst of the greatest deprivations: “ It is the Lord who gives me all, My wealth, my friends, my ease; Do you know the name of God as the “Most High" ? He is the unchanging God, and the unchanging Friend o f His people, who, when He says a thing, means it and stands by it; when He takes an attitude toward a child o f God, always preserves that attitude; when He is reconciled, is for­ ever reconciled. Then you have learned what the “Most High” means, the unchang­ ing helper, friend, and refuge of a believing soul. The name “Almighty” simply means that He who is “Most High” in His un­ changing eternity, is most mighty in His power, so that, if you understand this name o f God, you know that there is no time in your life, no place in your history, no need o f your soul or body, that God can­ not meet.—A. T. P ie r s o n . JANUARY 21 How the Spirit Is Grieved “He shall glorify me: fo r he shall re­ ceive o f mine, and shall show it unto you” (John 16:14). The Holy Spirit has come to honor and exalt the Lord Jesus. “When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, . . . He shall glorify me,” said Christ. And the Holy Spirit is very jealous for the honor o f the Lord And o f His bounty may recall Whatever part He please.” —J. G regory M a n t l e . JANUARY 20 Changeless and Powerful “I will set him on high, because he hath known my name” (Psa. 91:14).

. . . Wonders of the Human Body" By ARTHUR I. BROWN, M.D., C.M., F.R.C.S. Ed., Noted Scientist, Eminent Physician and Surgeon, Bible Teacher and Author of Light on the Hills, What of the Night, The Science of the Bible, Evolution and the Bible, etc., etc. The tens of thousands of Dr. Brown’s friends will welcome this most fascinating book which is a study of the Wonders of the Human Body which required an all-wise Designer. Dr. Brown is prepared as few men are to write on such a subject. His background, preparation, medical and surgical practice are all worthy of note. He was the son of a Christian physician, and after earning the highest surgical degree in the world was most successful in that work. The book will appeal to all ages and is most valuable to parents, students and even children. It is not a heavy scientific study but is designed to stimu-

Dr. Arthur I. Brown

late FAITH IN GOD and the BIBLE. 13 chapters, 142 pages. Fine cloth binding only. $1.00.


Findlay, Ohio

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