December, 1935
Jesus Christ. Do you ever do anything, or condone, or excuse, or overlook, or par ticipate in ' anything that dishonors the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you have fellow ship with those who deny His absolute deity, who ignore or deny His unique Son- ship, or who belittle the substitutionary atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ? W e have to be very careful that we are not partakers of their evil ways. If in any way we are dishonoring the Lord Jesus Christ, we grieve God’s Holy Spirit. —W. H . A ldis . “ Therefore if any man he in Christ, he is a new creature : old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor. 5:17). A poor, dissolute, drunken person who lived in a certain town, and was known all over the place for his wicked life, was gloriously converted. The first thing old John thought about was his home; he wanted a new home. He went to house agents in the town where he lived to in quire whether they had a little house they would let him have. One of the clerks in the outside office interviewed him and in quired rather superciliously whether he wanted the house for himself, and when John said, “ Yes, please,” the clerk went in and told one of the bosses. The boss came out and;s.aid, “What is this I hear? We., could not let you have one of our houses; we know you.” And John answer ed, “Excuse me, sir, but I think you are confusing me with somebody else. Old John is dead. I am new John.” “If any man be in Christ, he vis a new creature.” It is not'that hd- lases the old nature. The glorious moment will, come when he will part with that, but meanwhile he has a new nature.—G uy H. K ing . JANUARY 23 The Lure of the Present Age “ Demos hath forsaken me, having loved this present world’+ (2 Tim. 4;10). The youthful Demas must have been studious, for he was later intellectually able to associate with the great Apostle Paul. He must have met a spiritual ex perience that turned him away from the present world, for a time—an experience, in fact, that seemed to indicate deep and heroic consecration. He could have carried into his futurefthe advantages of training in Pauline methods o f preaching and teaching, of organizing and establishing the churches. He was Paul’s understudy, and had access to the same grace that made Paul a conqueror . . . What sinister influence drew Demas from his course? We do not gather that he became a gross backslider, that he was vicious in life. But for him the present age held more appeal than did spiritual things. Oh, that is might have been said, “Demas hath not forsaken me!”—W illiam M. R unyan . JANUARY 24 Learning to Stand Still "The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace” (Ex. 14:14). Moses said to the children of Israel. . . : “Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salva tion of the Lord.” It is not good in times of perplexity, danger, and peril, in times of trial, that there should be restlessness of unbelief or anxious effort on our part. JANUARY 22 A New Nature
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Just the booklet tor Christmas. It deals with the events about the birth of Our Lord, with a ' special treatment on the Virgin Birth. Price 20c:—6 for $1.00. Order from R. I. Humberd Christian Book Depot Martinsburg, Pa. The very first lesson under such circum stances is this lesson of standing still and seeing the salvation of our God. It is not an easy lesson, but rather the most diffi cult ; however, it is the first one the chil dren of Israel had to learn. It is' the first one you and I have to learn—stand still and see that Mighty Hand working on our Behalf. “The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.” :—G eorge W . G ibb . JANUARY 25 Honored with Difficulties “ Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. . . . endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 2:1, 3). The post of honor in war is so called because it is attended with difficulties and dangers which but few are supposed equal to; yet generals usually allot-these hard Sjervices to. their favorites and friends, who, on their parts, eagerly take, them as tokens of favor and marks of confidence. Should we, therefore, not ac count it an honor and a privilege when the Captain of our salvation assigns us a difficult post, since He can and does (which no earthly commander can) in spire His soldiers with wisdom, courage, and strength, suitable to their situation ? 28|—J ohn N ewton . Strengthen yourself in the omnipotence of God. Do not say, “ Is God able?” Say, rather, “ God is able.”—A ndrew M urray . .JANUARY 26 Accepting Eternal Life “ This is the' record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son o f God hath not life” (1 John 5:11, 12). . Christ gives His people eternal life. He bestows on them freely the right and title to heaven, pardoning their many sins, and clothing them with a perfect righteousness.
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