King's Business - 1935-12


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1935

Sunday, December 8, when Universal Bible Sunday will be observed. At the conclusion of a forceful brochure entitled “ Coverdale Speaks” by Charles^ F, Wishart, the a u th or p le a d s: “ See to it that the Word of God is not bound. Release it for souls hungering after God; for those who mourn; for sin-sick and weary and doubting men and .women; for pilgrims who walk with faltering feet through the valley of the shadow. A very sacred trust has come down to us through these four centuries.” Universal Bible Sunday, while appropriately marking the conclusion of the period designated for commemorating the first printed English Bible, may also well be used to sound widely Dr. Wishart’s earnest plea. The Am e rica n B ib le S o c ie ty , Bible House, Astor Place, New York City, is issuing material free for pastors’ use in utilizing Universal Bible Sunday to the greatest advantage. Responsive readings (the text taken from Coverdale’s version), Scripture exhibits, stereopticon lectures, pam phlets, and p o s te r s are available. — G eorge W il l ia m B r o w n , General Secre­ tary, American Bible Society. Latin American Prayer Fellowship The Latin American Prayer Fellowship (undenominational), carrying on faith mis­ sionary work in Mexico among the In­ dians, has opened Los Angeles head­ quarters in the Willard Hotel, 536 South Hope Street. The director is A. B. De R oos; C. Carl Lyon is the treasurer. Mr. Lyon is planning on some deputation work, representing the Fellowship, A set of stere­ opticon slides will be one of the interesting features in connection with the presenta­ tion of this work. Harmony of Science and the Scriptures The question that is gripping the hearts o f many Christian parents, “What are the modern high schools and colleges doing to the religious faith of our children?” was uppermost in the mind of Harry Rimmer as he wrote the twenty-five booklets which are now offered as a single unit—literally a sharp-edged sword to pierce the bigotry of evolutionist teachings. Dr. Rimmer is head of the Research Science Bureau, and pas­ tor of the First Presbyterian Church of; Duluth. His, booklets are on the same subjects as his addresses, typical titles be­ ing : The Facts o f Biology and the The­ ories o f Evolution; The Theories o f Evo­ lution and the Facts of Human Antiquity; and A Scientist’s Viewpoint o f the Virgin Birth o f Christ. All of the twenty-five booklets, constituting about 800 pages of powerful argument and information, are gathered in a library container entitled “The Harmony of Science and the Scrip­ tures.” The Glendale Printers, Glendale, Calif., are Dr. Rimmer’s publishers and distributors for this set. The Winona Lake School ■ of Theology The Board of Directors o f Winotia Lake School of Theology, Winona Lake, Ind., has just released a report concerning the 1935 session, which indicates that the school enjoyed an attendance of sixty per cent increase over the preceding year. The 1936 session is to be held from July 9 to August 12. There will be two semesters o f fifteen days each. Winona Lake School of Theology is in­ terdenominational, thorough, and evan­

CHRISTMAS IN CHANGSHA [Continued from page 449] from the youngest student to the most ma­ ture executive, “accounts” are “ reckoned” that day, and a new page made ready for the coming new year. As a fitting close o f this memorable day, the whole Institute family joins in remem­ brance of the Saviour’s death and prom­ ised return, as the Lord’s Supper is ob­ served. At no other time in the school year is this memorial service held at the Insti­ tute, although students and missionaries regularly obey our Lord’s instruction, “ This do in remembrance of me,” as they join in the worship »services - of the churches they attend. To me, it seems beau­ tiful and fitting that this sacred service of remembrance should be held at the Insti­ tute only when it has been preceded by a day of deep heart searching and prayer. The meaning of the Lord’s sacrifice, His keeping power, and His anticipated return seems clearer when one has thus had time to be quiet before Him. We are with that company of believers now, in thought. Night has fallen—the last night of the year. We are gathered about our Lord, being occupied with Him. There are many Chinese in the group, and a few Americans, but we are not conscious at this moment o f the unequal proportion. We are all one in Christ Jesus. His blood was shed for us all. His grace extends to all. And at His glorious appearing, we shall not be divided. In the hush of this evening, the last night of the year, there comes to our hearts a great longing for the coming of the time when from every tribe and tongue and people and nation, a multitude shall assemble in worship of the Lamb who ,is worthy to be praised. Universal Bible Sunday Many community gatherings have been held, many addresses have been delivered, many articles have been published, and many radio programs have been broadcast in recognition o f the four-hundredth anni­ versary o f the publication of Myles Cover- dale’s translation of the Bible. This nation­ wide celebration, according to the schedule suggested by the National Commemoration Committee, will formally conclude on

E quip your boy or girl with this Complete L ib r a r y of inspiration, kn ow led ge, and UNANSWERABLE ARGUMENT— To cram down the throat of the "modern teacher” whose theories on evolution have been shaking the faith of our youth— To prove that real Science, truthful and unprejudiced, is not at variance, but in utter accord with the Word of Scripture. HARRY RIMMER Whose scientific studies have already anchored the drifting faith of thousands, brings you these 25 BOOKLETS to the truth of the Bible offered by modern teach­ ers. Handsomely packed in a gold-lettered library box. Ready to mail, prepaid to your n il address—All for only___________________ Don't delay, send check or money order today —or if you are not familiar with Harry Rimmer's work, ask for free catalogue. G L E N D A L E P R I N T E R S Dept. A, 216 So. Brand Blvd., Glendale, Calif. CLASSIFIED W ANTED —To buy first-class used Stereopticon—Slide model. C. Carl Lyon, Boom 3, 536 South Hope St., Los Angeles, California. gelical. Its President is Wm. E. Bied- erwolf, and its Dean, J. A. Huffman. Work is offered leading to the regular theological degrees. The courses which will be offered in 1936 are as follows: New Testament, Old Testament, The Holy Spirit, Psychology and Religion, The Origin of Religion, Be­ ginners’ New Testament Greek, and Criti­ cal Sermon Delivery. Winona Lake School o f Theology affords a splendid opportunity for min­ isters, teachers, Sunday-school workers, and laymen to study during the summer weeks with teachers who are recognized as authorities in their respective fields. The Dean, J. A. Huffman, Marion, Ind., will send a prospectus upon request. Scofield Reference Bible To enable more churches to place copies, of the Scofield Bible in their pews, and to provide adult. classes with a volume that is actually a Bible and commentary com­ bined at a price that most readers can afford, the Oxford University Press h'as issued the so-called “ Popular Edition,” to sell at $1.25 a copy. This inexpensive edi­ tion contains the same complete helps as those in the $16.50 edition. There is no abridgement of any o f the annotations. The book is clearly printed and strongly bound. 1,370 pages, with colored maps (7x4j£ inches). Oxford University Press. Cloth. Price $1.25,





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