December, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
Singing His Praises B y D on M . A llen
O u r L I T E R A T U R E T a b l e s W H A T TO P U R C H A S E A T B IO L A B O O K R O O M
In this booklet o f eighty-seven gospel songs and choruses, there are a number of selections that already have become favorites among young people. “ Bright, heart-reaching, and full of the gospel is this book,” writes Herbert G. Tovey, in thé ' foreword. 87 nagés. Don M. Allen, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Califl Paper. Price 25 cents. \ There^is nothing stiff and formal about this book, It has quaintness,: originality, and a decided optimism. Written as an answer to the question, “When'’ wilf';'times get better?” the book is full of the sound common sense and breezy philosophy that have made the author well known for many years as a captain o f industry, Chris tian worker, author, and lecturer. Mr. Ridgway believes that the conditions in the American nation will improve only with a return to faith in God. 118 pages. W . A. Wilde Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. Bringing the sweet message o f Christ mas with a fresh appeal, this rarely beau tiful “American' Annual of Christmas Literature and Art” is worthy of accept ance in any home, however high the stand ard of taste. The cover, 135dxl0Jd inches in size, is a full-color reproduction of a stained-glass window1 showing the scene of the Nativity. Even persons unaccus- “ In God We Trust”— and Why Not? B y W illiam H . R idgway Christmas Edited by R andolph E. H augan .,
Text. 192 pages. The Sunday School Board o f the Southern Baptist Convention, Nashville, Tenn. Board. Price 35 cents. Peloubet’s Select Notes —By Wilbur M. Smith. With the sixty-two annual volumes of Peloubet’s Notes that have been pub lished, the names of three distinguished Bible teachers are associated : F. N. Pelou- bet, Amos R. Wells, and Wilbur M. Smith. For the past ' two years, Dr. Smith has prepared the material for this monumental work, in addition to his duties as a pastor and m u c h -s o u g h t conference speaker. There is special value in thé' emphasis that is placed on the dominant thought in each lesson, in the description that is given of the time and place of the lesson, in the clear, interpretation of the text itself, and in the pertinent quotations and allusions to the. lesson thought that are gathered from the writings o f the lead ing Bible scholars of the world, past and present. The volume for 1936 contains, besides the features already listed, pic torial illustrations from religious master pieces, illustrations from life and litera ture, test questions and subjects for discussion, and a broad and practical bibliography. To the studious teacher of any age group, this book is invaluable. 409 pages. W . A. Wilde Co. Cloth. Price $ 2 . 00 . ^
International Sunday School Lesson Helps for 1936 Arnold’s Commentary— Edited by Ben jamin L. Olmstead. For years, this prac tical commentary has been deservedly pop ular. The 1936 volume is most attractive and usable. There are explanatory notes, a full-page article giving a survey of each lesson, practical applications, illustrations, topics for discussion, and special sugges tion for various departments. The book is illustrated with reproductions o f famous paintings and suggestions for blackboard work for each week. 233 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. The Gist of the Lesson —By R. A. Tor- rey. Although the gifted scholar and teacher who prepared these notes has been with the Lord for a number of years, his thorough work continues to be a blessing to scores of busy Sunday-school workers. The book, vest-pocket size, may be easily carried and readily used. 156 pages. Revell Co. Fabrikoid. Price 35 cents. Points for Emphasis— By Hight C. Moore. It is surprising to find how much material, all well organized, has been crowded into this vest-pocket size com mentary. Besides the lesson text and out line, there are analytical and expository notes, daily readings, and practical lessons drawn from the lesson and the Golden
F A V O R I T E A U T H O R ?
The Biblical Approach to the International S. S. Lessons THE TEACHERS GUIDE by Jas. R. Kaye, Ph.D., LL.D. New! Up-to-date!. K a iL * All lessons are expressed clearly and con cisely— in the language a child can under stand.
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