King's Business - 1935-12

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


December, 1935


Both for $ 1.00 POSTPAID

Both for $ 1 .5 0 POSTPAID

The Ilustrato

The Illustrator



ONE YEAR, ONE DOLLAR Arnold’sPractical Commentary Edited by Specialists In each Dept.— Postpaid $1.00

ONE YEAR, ONE DOLLAR lorrejis Gist ot theLeson By R. A. TORREY, DJ).— Price 3Sc

The Thirty-sixth issue of Dr. Torrey’s vest-pocket commentary. So compact that it can- always be carried with you to improve spare min- utes on train, car, while lunching, everywhere, Flexible doth, net 356. -.,

Nearly 240 large octavo pages packed full' to overflowing with just' the sort of practical help required by the teacher. Hints, illustrations,

blackboard exercises, maps, etc,

. Cloth Binding, $li0.0 postpaid.

Both for $ 2 .5 0 POSTPAID

The linstrator


j a

$1 .00 Offer

$1 .50 -$2 .50 Offer

Enclosed please find $1.00 For THE ILLUSTRATOR (one year) TORREY’S GIST OF THE LESSON

Enclosed please find----------------- -— ...... For ____.THE ILLUSTRATOR ____.PRACTICAL COMMENTARY ____.THE MINISTER'S ANNUAL

The Minister’s Anual

Name................_...._ H i ..............SBBHHi

Compiled and Edited by JOSEPH McCRAY RAMSEY


No minister should willingly miss this opportunity to get this valuable aid. Never before has there been assembled in a single volume such a treasury of the latest church service materials from the nation's great preachers. THE ILLUSTRATOR — 158 Fifth A ve., New York C ity

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(Please print your name)

(Please print your name)

for the child. Hannah Fondiller Barnes, 350 West 31st Street, New York City. Price $1.50. EVANGELISTIC NOTICES ■ [Continued from, page 478] in the First Baptist Church o f Escondido, Calif., where F. E. Morgan is pastor. Be­ cause of the fearless, fundamental Bible testimony that the pastor has given through the years, the evangelists were able to have a rich harvest of souls. Forty persons were baptized in one service. Many joined the church, and several are entering the ministry. The week o f October 1 to 6 was spent in one-night meetings in Glen­ dale, Tucson, Phoenix, Bisbee, and Doug­ las, Ariz. From October 20 to November 15, this group conducted a union campaign of all of the churches in Hemet and San Jacinto, Calif. This meeting was held in a tabernacle. The pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, R. A. Weld, was chairmaan of this great valley campaign. H. E. McCutcheon, pastor o f the Baptist Church, headed up the prayer meeting com­ mittees, while H- Moore, pastor o f the Union Church of San Jacinto was chair­ man o f the building committee. From November 17 to December 15, the party is scheduled for meetings in Bakersfield, Calif., with Albert T. Douglas, pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church. Mr, Farrar is an evangelistic preacher, trombonist, and song leader. Miss Helen Griggs, pianist, soloist, tiplist, and young people’s worker, is assisting Mr. and Mrs. Farrar. The group plans to continue the eastern tour, unless God leads to further campaigns on the West Coast. Address: 1919 North Ross Street, Santa Ana, Calif.

tomed to giving time to spiritual matters would find themselves drawn to this vol­ ume. The scope as to literary form and subject matter includes Christmas poetry, a reverent story told as a shepherd’s account of how Christ’s birth and life brought sal­ vation to him, sketches introducing carols with music from foreign lands, a story of an old-fashioned family gathering genera­ tions ago, a meditation with organ accom­ paniment, and other stories and informal essays. The first prose selection is the Gospel narrative of the incidents surround­ ing the birth of Christ. In spite of the attention given to Christmas customs, the message o f the book as a whole is con­ cerned primarily with the saviourhood and deity o f our Lord Jesus Christ. 68 pages. Augsburg Publishing House. Art Paper. Price $1.00. The Golden Grain Series About fifty selections, in attractive cal­ endars, almanacs, and diaries for 1936, are being offered by Pickering & Inglis, 14 Paternoster Row, London, E. C. 4, Eng­ land. The calendar pads, mounted on art board, have a page for each day o f the year, a daily Scripture text or texts, and in some cases, a meditation by such writers as Bishop Handley Moule, W . H. Griffith Thomas, R. A. Torrey, D. L. Moody, and Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Prices range from S cents to $1.00 net. The Golden Grain Diary has a text for each day, Scrip­ ture Union Daily Readings, and select poetry and meditations. Two sizes are made: 3J4 x 4J4 inches; vest pocket, 2j^x3j4 inches. Priced according to bind­ ing, the books cost from 50 cents to $2.50 each.

Standing by the Cross By J. T. M a w s o n

Twelve strong messages that are both de­ votional and evangelistic in their appeal are offered in this volume o f reported addresses. There is variety o f topic and treatment, yet a central theme—“Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” “A Biography in Prophecy,” for example, is an exposi­ tory study of Isaiah 53, and is a beautiful and tender discussion of the prophet’s view of our Lord’s progress “ from the manger to the universal throne.” The author’s compelling style and reverent attitude, to­ gether with his use of much of the Word of God, serve to bring the printed message home to the reader’s heart with a force that is spiritually penetrating. 174 pages. Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd. Qoth. Price $1.00. .______ The Book I Made Myself B y H a n n a h F o n d il l e r B a r n e s To please and instruct her own children, Mrs. Barnes, who has had thé advantage of kindergarten training, searched for a project that would stimulate self-expres­ sion and originality, develop concentration, and whet the appetite of the child for fur­ ther knowledge. The result is The Book I Made Myself —a packet of ninety-one re­ productions of original authentic paintings, and a beautifully printed, spiral-bound loose leaf book. The pictures, drawn by John K. Murray, are exquisite in their col­ oring and remarkable in their portrayal of action. They cover a wide range of subjects of general interest. There is no attempt to teach Bible truth. The pictures are to be cut out and pasted in the book. When carefully completed, the book will provide an attractive record of achievement

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