^ That I Spent, I Had That I Invested, I Lost That I Gave, I Have Forever. ^ Gifts to Edu cation are Exempted from Taxation
Federal Gift Tax Provisions
The Federal Government imposes a tax on gifts made in any calendar year after June 6 , 1932. Gifts of $5 ,000 to Biola are exempted, however, under the provi sions of this law. California Inheritance Tax Provisions Gifts in trust for educational purposes for use
within the state are exempted from tax.
In many respects the new tax law modifies the whole situation as regards bequests. In certain cases steps may be taken which will enable testators to save sufficient sums in taxes to en able them to make contributions to the work of Bible Institute of Los Angeles without cost to their estates.
Our Business Department is in touch with the sources of this information, and will freely transmit it to any friend of the Institute who will communicate at once. A ll matters discuss ed are strictly confidential, and all service ren dered is without obligation.
Address: Business Department B IB L E IN S T I T U T E o f L O S A N G E L E S 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA
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