King's Business - 1935-12

December, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


life and the highest form of animal life has never been bridged; second, human beings possess a religious instinct which is absolutely lacking in animals; third, life always comes from antecedent life. “ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” The President of the Federation o f Protestant Churches ‘ o f Los Angeles declares that modernists, infidels, Uni­ tarians, and atheists are in his heaven. Voltaire, Paine, and Ingersoll have swept through the pearly gates without having been washed in the blood of Christ and are enjoying bliss, according to this religious leader. God says that “ without shedding of blood is no remission” (Heb. 9 :2 2 ); that “ C h rist d ied for ou r sin s” (1 Cor. 1 5 :3 ); that those who are in heaven have “ washed their robes, and made them white in the blood o f the Lamb” (Rev. 7 :1 4 ) ; and that they are singing praises to Him, saying: “ Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood” (Rev. 5 :9 ). Modernists, infidels, Unitarians, and atheists would not feel at home in that heavenly choir, the declarations of this Los Angeles church leader to the contrary not­ withstanding. God says that “ the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorc­ erers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” (Rev. 21 :8 ). Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people, and only those who have been made partakers o f the divine nature through the exper­ ience of the new birth will be there. It is only the one who beholds the Lamb of God and accepts Him as Saviour that will be able to sing redemption’s song in glory. W e urge every reader to see to it that he is not building on a foundation of philosophical or religious sand, but on the solid rock Christ Jesus. “ Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4 :12 ). in a state of conscious bliss. He is waiting for the redemp­ tion of the body which will take place when the Lord re­ turns. The crown of righteousness will be given Brother Blackstone at the Bema, the judgment seat o f Christ, for that crown is for all that “ love his appearing.” No one has done more to create interest in the truth o f the Lord’s return than has W . E. Blackstone, who went to be with the Lord on November 7. His book, Jesus is Coming, has been translated into thirty-nine different languages, and about a million copies have been printed and circulated. Who can estimate the influence of this book? I read Jesus is Coming, when I was fourteen years o f age, and ever since then, the Lord’s return has been the “blessed hope” that has brought courage in the midst of dis­ couragement and comfort in the midst of sorrow. Multi­ plied thousands thank God for Dr. Blackstone’s life and ministry. What a joy it must have been for him to see the face o f Jesus whom he so devotedly loved and so faith­ fully served, and to meet the many friends who had had on earth a like precious faith ! It may not be very long before we shall hear the shout, the voice and the trump, and then the dead in Christ shall rise first. “ Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” What a glorious prospect! A Crown of Righteousness W . E. Blackstone is “ absent from the body, and...present with the Lord.” He is still awaiting the return of the Lord to earth, even though he is now

nize the need o f a renewed emphasis on evangelism as the primary business o f the church and o f •the individual Christian. W e want our students to get a real vision of the need of this prodigal world, and an increased passion for the winning o f the lost. Therefore, we are dismissing all classes and are making attendance at the conference ses­ sions obligatory. W e hope that our alumni and friends everywhere will come to this conference to get their vision renewed and their spiritual batteries recharged, so that they can go back to their respective fields with new zeal and determination to carry on effectively for the Lord. Recognizing the stupendous importance of child evan­ gelism, we are devoting at least an hour a day to this subject. The need and opportunity as well as methods of work will be presented by those who have specialized in the evangelization o f boys and girls. It is hoped that this con­ ference will be the beginning o f a new day as far as reaching the childhood o f America and the .world is concerned. Among the well-known speakers who will appear on the program, we mention one who comes from abroad, ,J. Edwin Orr. He is the author o f three books that have been widely circulated, Can God?, Prove M e Now, and The Promise to You. Mr. Orr is an Ulsterman, twenty- three years old, converted at the age of nine. He started preaching “ revival” about two years ago, and since then he has traveled through England, Scotland, Wales, The Irish Free State, Northern Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Soviet Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lith­ uania, Poland, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Switz­ erland, Palestine, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Newfoundland, and Canada. This tour was begun with sixty-five cents, and the Lord provided for him as he went along. W e count it a privilege to have, as one o f our speakers, this young, flaming evangelist whom God has so signally blessed and used to kindle revival flames. Other successful preachers and evangelists will participate, and the program will be challenging. Plan to be with us during our Con­ ference on Evangelism. “ Who’s Who in Heaven,” aroused widespread comment, and because of the fact that the minister in question occupies a prominent place of leadership in Protestant circles, a pro­ test meeting was held at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, at which time a resolution was adopted calling on the gen­ tleman in question either to repudiate his statements or else to resign from his position. The statements in the interview reveal the apostasy of the church in these last days. “ The average modern reli­ gionist who has any brains,” says this Protestant leader, “believes in evolution.” He probably has not heard of such men as Howard A . Kelly, renowned scientist and surgeon of Johns Hopkins, who is not only an antievolutionist, but also an out-and-out evangelical. The fact that Dr. Kelly has several o f the highest degrees obtainable indicates that some institutions o f learning believe he has not only “ brains” but also recognized standing in the scientific world. W . B. Riley, who has defeated evolutionists, time and time again on the debate platform, is not lacking in “brains” ; at least, you couldn’t convince Dr. Riley’s opponents in debate that he shows any lack o f mental acumen. The philosophy o f evolution is discredited on three counts: first, the gulf between the lowest form o f human “Who’ s Who in Heaven” Recently the President of the Federa- tion o f Protestant Churches o f Los Angeles was interviewed by a local news­ paper. The resulting article, entitled

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