December, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
C h r is tm a s .
“ There came wise men . . . to worship him” (Matt. 2:1, 2 ).
I t was a saying o f Spurgeon’s that “ every day should be the birthday of the Saviour to a renewed soul.” And what is the meaning o f such a suggestive phrase but that a larger and sweeter and dearer Christ should be born within our hearts as each new day dawns? For what is “ Christmas” but the remembrance of the sublime fact that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners ? And such a revelation ought never to be out of our minds. Dr. A . C. Dixon in his volume, The Bright Side o f L ife, tells a touching story of his own family circle. On the Christmas morning after the death of his first child, all sat at the breakfast table all too silent for Christmas Day. Silence, however, was broken by the child on the right, who said, “ This is Howard’s first Christmas in heaven, isn’t it?” Then the mother replied, “ I should like to know whether it is not Christmas every day in heitven.” Yes, there is a “ Christmas” every day in heaven, seeing that they ever remember in the glory land the Saviour’s condescension, love, sacrifice, and grace. Over there, the glorified never cease in singing praises to the Lamb. But why not have a Christmas every day on earth ? The story o f the wise men shows us how to celebrate Christmas every day below. Alas! The vast majority join in the festivities o f this Christmas season without giving a thought to its true spiritual significance. If, however, we follow the steps suggested by the coming o f the ^wise men to the feet of Jesus, then every day will be a Christmas o f peace, joy, and blessing. Regarding the visit of the Magi to Christ, there are five truths we can carry in our minds and muse upon this festive season. T hey W ere W ise M en Scripture is silent concerning the number who sought Jesus. Called “ Magi” they were, as Persian priests or astrologers, deeply taught men. They came from the East, the quarter of sunrise, and the seat o f learning. And all who are truly wise are found where the wise men gathered, namely, in adoring wonder in the presence o f Christ. It was fitting that the wise should recognize His worth, for was He not the personification of all wisdom? Was He not made unto us—Wisdom? And by their action, the wise men testified that Christ was wiser and nobler than they. Wise though they were, they yet bowed and worshiped. Such an act reveals the truth that Christ commands the allegiance o f the best. Yes, and by their worship, the wise men declared that the One worshiped was not a mere man but God manifest in the flesh.
The coming of the Magi indicates that Christ and His gospel are fitted for every grade of in telligence. Both the ignorant and the wise find in
Christ all their wisdom. He fits the need of the practical man of affairs and o f the philosopher alike. None are so clever as to af ford to despise or dispense with His gospel. None are so stupid but its simplicity appeals to them. The young may worship the Babe; the old must worship Him.
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