King's Business - 1937-02

CLUB-OF-TEN rates accepted ONLY until FEBRUARY 27. During this period, agents will be allowed $10.00 on each club of ten subscriptions received at the regular annual rate, $1.50 each. In other words, the agent is allowed $1.00 on each $1 .50 he collects.

A N N U A L SUBSCR IPT IONS in Clubs of 10 or more . . . EACH 50c A N N U A L SUBSCR IPT IONS in Clubs of 3 to 6 . . . . EACH 75c (Add 25c for Canadian and foreign* subscriptions to cover cost of extra postage) Everybody Wants “The King's Business” New and renewal subscriptions are pouring into T h e K in g ’ s B u sin e ss offices from club organizers in all parts of the country. In no other year, when similar specially reduced rates have been featured, has the response been as overwhelmingly enthusiastic as it has been this year. Actually everybody wants T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s .

PENNSYLVANIA Sending in a group of 50 subscriptions (not Ms first club, either), C. R. B. of Martinsburg writes: “Enclosed please find money order for $25.25 for 35 renewals and 15 new subscriptions. Twenty-five cents is added for for­ eign subscription. Hope the renewals get in on time, so no issue will be missed. Some of the subscriptions expire this month.” WISCONSIN A Christian woman in Eau Claire has sent in 84 subscriptions, new and renewal. She adds this comment: “ Our Sunday-school enjoys T he K ing ’ s B usiness as quar­ terlies.” ILLINOIS A pastor in Oglesby seeks to place T he K ing ’ s B usiness in the homes of his parishioners. From him, 78 subscriptions recently were received. He writes: “ Receiving my K ing ’ s B usiness today, and seeing the excel­ lent subscription offer, I immediately set about to again place

the magazine in as many homes as possible. Begin the new subscriptions with the November issue. It is splendid. I want my people to have it.” TEXAS From Dallas, a warm friend of the Institute sends this encour­ aging word: “ I have already sent in more than 50 subscriptions to T he K ing ’ s B usiness for this year, and I expect to receive many more before the special club rate expires.” EVERY STATE REPRESENTED While the comments appearing on this page are limited in num­ ber because of space requirements in the magazine, letters might be quoted from friends living in every State of the Union— men and women who. enjoy THE KING’S BUSINESS and who are seeking to pass on its message to others. The whole-hearted indoisement of these many readeis is more eloquent than any printed descrip, tion of THE KING’S BUSINESS could ever be. Throughout the na­ tion, Christian people are receiving and circulating this Bible Family Magazine. YOU may join their number. Detach this page, using the opposite side as an order form and the magazine as a sample. You. will have no difficulty in securing subscriptions in the few days that remain while the Club Offer is in effect, for everybody wants THE KING’S BUSINESS.




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