King's Business - 1937-02

February, 1937

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Buyers’ Guide Pays Big Dividends Mrs. A. J. McCloskey Sells $152 .89 from a Single Offer in These Columns PR IZE W IN N ER S ANNOUNCED—N EW CONTEST OPENED It pays to read KING’S BUSINESS ads, if the reader will only realize the many opportunities for serv- ice which our advertisers offer. In proof of this claim, we ask you to read through the interesting letter of Mrs. A. J. McCloskey, of Windsor, Colo., First PrizeWinner of the BUYERS’ GUIDE PRIZE CONTEST, which closed December 15, 1936. PRIZE WINNERS Mrs. A. J. McCloskey Windsor, Colo. First Prize—$10.00 cash. Mrs. Mamie B. Kirtley Hoxie, Kansas Second Prize—Teachers' Bible and tion to THE KING'S BUSINESS. 1 year's :subscrip- The King's Business Windsor, Colo. 558 South Hope Street Dec. 8, 1936 Los Angeles, California Gentlemen: I wish to enter, the “ Buyersi* Guide Prize Contest." I answered the following ads from the July issue of THE KING'S BUSINESS, and am very happy about tin- results: 1. From MBS. N. H. GBIFFIN, Station C, Pasadena, Calif., I ordered 25 True Story Leaflets, “ The Golden Bule-ist," costing me only ten cents. I used these tracts, along with others 1 had, to give out to my customers at my photograph studio. People have asked me whether it did not hurt my trade to do so. But on the contrary, the Lord has wonderfully blessed us in both our business and private life. 4. Among the ads I answered, the most profitable financially, and a very interesting one, was of the GOSPEL TBUMPET CO. of Anderson, Ind. After receiving their catalog and enlistment blank, I became an agent for them, showing my samples at my studio and in a few homes in my spare time. The agent's samples cost $5.00. Since the time I began (about the middle of September), I have sent in orders amounting to $152.89. The largest order I sold was to the Evangelical Zion German Church for art velvet mottoes for their Sunday-school, the order amounting to $29.50. 1 have the added opportunity of ordering things for myself, to use in teaching, for gifts, and for personal use. Every one thinks that this “ Sunshine Line" is a grand line of religious specialties. __ ____ . I want to say also a word of praise for THE KING'S BUSINESS, for the fine paper that it is. It helps so much spiritually. Very truly yours, (Signed) MBS. A. J. McCLOSKEY. Third Buyers9 Guide Prize Contest - - - - Ending June 309 1937 Offers same prizes as those awarded in contest described above. For further particulars address: Circulation Manager, THE KING'S BUSINESS, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. • BUYERS ’ GUIDE • Mrs. Burma Johnson Greenville, S. C. Mrs. Charles Nicholson Louisville, Ky. Miss Sadie Mae Bruce Houston, Tex. Third Prize—1 year's subscription BUSINESS. Fourth Prize—1 year's subscription BUSINESS. Fifth Prize—1 year's subscription BUSINESS. Sixth Prize—1 year's subscription BUSINESS. Seventh Prize—1 year's subscription BUSINESS. Eighth Prize—1 year's subscription BUSINESS. Ninth Prize—1 year's subscription BUSINESS. Tenth Prize—1 year's subscription BUSINESS. to THE KING'S to THE KING'S to THE KING'S Miss.Emma Popp Fresno, Calif. Mrs. Lawrence Potts Glendale, Ariz. Miss Austey O. Nelson Tuolumne, Calif. Mrs. Ben H. Pankratz Inola, Okla. Mrs. L. G. Moffett Nassau, The Bahamas to THE KING'S to THE KING'S to THE KING'S to THE KING'S to THE KING'S 2. I have a volunteer Bible class for children one night each week, and in want of a study guide, I ordered samples from THE SCBIPTUBE PRESS 800 N. Clark St., Chicago. HI., costing me ten cents, and samples from UNION GOSPEL PBESS, Box 6509, Cleveland, Ohio. After seeing samples, I ordered quarterlies for one quarter from THE SCBIPTUBE PRESS for my Sunday-school class, and used them until class promotion. We liked them very much and learned facts in the Bible I would have found in no other way 3. I ordered also quarterlies and Sunday-school papers, some each of “ Our Jewels," “ Junior Pleasure," and “ Young People's Delight," from UNION GOSPEL PBESS for my week-night Bible class. I am very much pleased both with the papers and with thequarterlies they bring out the message of salvation in each lesson. The stories seem to be just the right kind to help mold the lives of young children. I have had to increase the number of papers each time I order, for some of the children want extra ones to give to their little friends who cannot come to class.


BOOK STORES BIOLA BOOK ROOM. 560 SOUTH HOPE ST.. Los Angeles, Calif. Headquarters Fundamental Literature. See display ad page 76. SCHULTE’S BOOK STORE. 80-82 FOURTH Ave., New York City. New and second-hand theological books. See display ad page 67. WESTERN BOOK AND TRACT COMPANY (Oakland’s Leading Bible House), 1730 Tele­ graph Ave., Oakland, Calif. Dr. H. A. Ironside, President. Christian literature. Send for our catalogues and receive free booklet, also. BOUND MAGAZINES WE CAN SUPPLY BOUND COPIES OF THE KING'S BUSINESS for several years back at the following prices, delivered postpaid to your address: % leather, $4.00; Full cloth binding, $3.50. % board binding (cloth back and paper sides), $2.50. Box 730, 558 So. Hope St.. Los Angeles, Calif. CHOIR AND PULPIT GOWNS CHOIR AND PULPIT GOWNS, HANGINGS, Bible Markers, etc. Also pulpit furniture, bulle­ tin boards, communion sets. Fine materials, beautiful work. Write for prices. State defi­ nitely what is needed. DeMoulin Bros. 8c Co., 1026 So. Fourth St.. Greenville. Illinois. CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS BROOKSIDE PUBLISHING CO., 676-78 Bi­ ble House, Astor Place, New York City, pub­ lishers of "The Shepherd-Prince," translated from Hebrew by B. A. M. Schapiro. See dis- play ad peg*» 59 THE BUNK HOUSE, 124 N. FLORENCE ST., Burbank, Calif., announces new booklet, "G o West Young Man," by Leonard Eilers. See display ad page 59. ROLLIN T. CHAFER, 3909 SWISS AVE., Dallas, Tex., editor of "Bibliotheca Sacra," a 128-page Theological Quarterly Review. See display ad page 59.

BEVERAGES ___________ PAN AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, 2704 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Famous Mate tea and Desert tea. See display ad page 68. BIBLE BINDING THE BIBLE BINDERY, BIBLES REPAIRED and rebound. Flexible leather covers a spec­ ialty.. Satisfaction guaranteed. Agency: New Analytical Bible. Grace Whidden, 2026 E. Fourth St., Long Beach, Calif. BIBLES REBOUND IN GENUINE LEATHER. Beautiful overlapping, flexible covers. Size 6%x4V&— $2.25. For complete satisfaction send your Bibles to the Chicago Bible Bind­ ery, 10126 S. Racine Ave., Chicago, 111. BIBLES REBOUND— REGARDLESS CONDI- tion. Flexible Leatherette, Leather, Morocco, Pigskin, or Sealskin covers. Illustrated circu­ lar. Unusual offers. Samples available. En­ thusiastic customers all over U. S. Goodwill Bindery. Dept. K, 425 W . First St., Flint, Mich BIBLE CHARTS JAMISON’S CHRONOLOGICAL PANORAMA of the Bible, lithographed in 9 colors, on fine map cloth, 17x34 inches. Price $1.75 including key, postpaid. Abridged one-color edition, 10c. Prof. Lewis H. Jamison, 751 Olive Ave., Long B -ach, Calif. BIBLE GAMES MRS. F. T. BROWNING, 9628 S. HOBART, Los Angeles. Calif. Bible game suitable for the Christian home. See display ad page 78. GOObENOUGH & WOGLOM CO.. 296 Broadway, New York City. Send for descrip­ tive circular of five interesting Bible games. See display ad page 70. BIBLES J. W. McCARRELL. 1.142 WISCONSIN AVE., Oak Park, 111., agent for Scofield Reference Bibles. See display ad page 70.


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___________ AGENTS WANTED__________ ALBERT MILLS. 1678 MONMOUTH AVE., Cincinnati, Ohio. Details upon application. See display aH on back cover. GOSPEL TRUMPET COMPANY, ANDERSON. Ind., will send free illustrated catalog de­ scribing money-raising plans. See display ad page 65. GEORGE W. NOBLE, MONON BLDG., C h i­ cago, 111., will send free catalog and price list regarding selling proposition. See dis­ play ad page 68. AID IN SACRED SONG WRITING CORRECT HYMN MUSIC ASSURES EDITOR- ial consideration. Send hymn or poem for FREE criticism. Enclose dime for samples. Raymond Iden (K B ), Composer, Arranger, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. ANNUITIES AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY. BIBLE HOUSE. Astor Place, New York City. Free booklet describing annuity agreements. See display ad page 79. MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE, 153 INSTITUTE Place, Chicago, 111. W rite for new booklet, "Facts," for information regarding annuity plan. S°e display ad page 67. WHEATON COLLEGE. WHEATON, ILL. Full information regarding Life Annuity Con­ tracts sent upon request. See display ad page 71. ATTORNEY CLAUDE A. WATSON, 5603 N. FIGUEROA St., Los Angeles, Calif. Attorney-at-law. See display ad page 71.

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