CIPP Payroll: need to know - 2022-23

The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals

News On Line


Payroll: need to know , has been produced by the CIPP Policy and Research team for the exclusive benefit of members. It contains all relevant payroll, pensions and reward News Online items and is indexed and categorised for easy reference. Each item is in date order (the most recent entry being at the bottom) to ensure you know you have the latest updates on any given subject. Payroll: need to know is produced on a tax year basis and by the end of each tax year will be closed off and restarted with any significant live news items being carried forward to the following year’s edition and then added to on a weekly basis with each edition of News Online.

Using the index is easy – find your topic of interest and CTRL + click will take you straight there.

If you have any comments or suggestions about Payroll: need to know - your guide to UK payroll legislation and reporting , please email


Copyright © 2023 Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP)

Published April 2023

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