CIPP Payroll: need to know - 2022-23

`The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals

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Pay on Demand Specialist Interest Group created on the CIPP website Published: 13 December 2022 Emailed: 14 December 2022 Pay on demand is growing in popularity and has long been an area of discussion for payroll professionals. The policy and research team have mentioned this new way of paying people on a few occasions. As an emerging technology, we want to promote discussion on the subject between members. For this reason, we have created a Specialist Interest Group (SIG) for our members to provide a space for those who currently use pay on demand schemes, or are considering doing so in the future, to spark up conversation or to ask any questions they may have. The group is available to members through MyCIPP in the Specialist Interest Group page. The idea is to collaborate and celebrate payroll professionals working in the industry, so head over there and help each other out. Join here to be part of the conversation.

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Updated Statutory Payment Tables on the CIPP website Published: 10 February 2023 Emailed: 15 February 2023

You are the heart of the payroll community, and the CIPP policy team always want to find ways to better represent you, your ideas and your concerns. To do this we need open and easily accessible lines of communication for you to have your voice heard.

In troducing the “have your say” comment box. This box is located on our news pages, below our Quick Poll. In fact, if you are reading this on the CIPP website you should see it to the right hand side now.

Please use this comment box to leave us feedback on just about anything in the payroll world.

Have we missed the mark on one of our News Online articles? Let us know.

Is there a consultation we haven’t mentioned y et that you think is important for the payroll world? Let us know.

Are you having issues with government agencies and want an anonymous place to feedback to them? Let us know.

Do you have any out of the box ideas that we can raise on one of many government forums? Let us know!

The CIPP policy team has finite resources and so sometimes we need you to let us know where to best spend our time to have a positive impact on the payroll profession. Thank you to all who have given us feedback in the past and in advance for your future feedback.

Together we can make a difference.

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Updated Statutory Payment Tables on the CIPP website Published: 8 March 2023 Emailed: 8 March 2023

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