`The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals
News On Line
This shows overwhelming support for the introduction of NMW for seafarers while working in UK waters. This was reflected within the response we submitted to government.
Although Quick Polls take less than a minute to respond to, the results can be used to provide feedback which can potentially shape the future of payroll policy. The policy team would like to thank everyone who responded to the Quick Poll and would encourage you to continue getting involved in future polls to have your say.
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New Quick poll: Do you operate advance payments? Published: 14 June 2022 Emailed: 15 June 2022
As discussions about new pay on demand technologies increase, it is interesting to monitor how common other similar functionalities are.
An advance payment refers to a payment that an employee receives before their pay day and outside of the payroll process. Normally the payment is based on an estimated net amount for part of their pay or a payment for arrears they are owed. Some employers offer this as a benefit, whilst some payroll departments may only use it to make corrections for staff who were underpaid in error. One of the benefits of the policy team's research into different aspects of the profession is that it allows us to keep our content in line with the needs of payroll professionals. The poll is in the box to the right of this article. It takes a few seconds to complete and will help the CIPP collect valuable data regarding the industry.
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QuickPoll results: Do you operate advance payments? Published: 12 July 2022 Emailed: 13 July 2022
As discussions surrounding pay on demand increase, the CIPP policy team wanted to assess the usage of advance payments, which could offer a similar benefit.
73% of respondents confirmed they currently operate advance payments. 12% of those respondents have no conditions and provide them any time, which would suggest that they are already in a good position to introduce new pay on demand technology.
Of the 27% of those who do not provide this option, less than 2% said they are planning to introduce advance payments in the future.
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New Quick poll: Do you feel a 4-day working week is plausible for payroll departments?
Published: 12 July 2022 Emailed: 13 July 2022
The latest quick poll is available on the CIPP news page. This time the policy team would like to know your views on if payroll departments could accommodate a 4-day working week for its administrators?
On 6 June 2022, a pilot began with 70 companies trialling the 4-day working week. The trials are being conducted based on the 100:80:100 model, 100% of the pay for 80% of the time, in return for a commitment to maintain 100% of productivity.
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