Isle of Wight Ceremonies Guide

6 isle of wight ceremonies guide

ON THE DAY Arrival

Number of Guests Of course, in addition to your witnesses, you may wish to invite your family and friends to your celebration. Each ceremony room will be licensed for a particular number of guests and you must adhere to these numbers as they are laid down according to fire regulations (photographers and videographers are included in this number). No extra guests are permitted to stand in the ceremony room, unless stated. Please note that any children over two years old are counted as individual guests and must be included in your overall numbers. Recording the Event A photograph album is a very special memento and we are happy to allow photographs at particular points during the ceremony. A single video recording is also permitted, but please inform the Superintendent Registrar beforehand. The equipment should be battery operated (unless you have a special arrangement with the Licensed Venue) as the Registration Service cannot provide any power source and will not accept responsibility for damage or loss to equipment whilst on any premises. The recording may only be made using the lighting already present in the ceremony room (no additional filming lights are permitted) and the operator must remain stationary throughout the ceremony.

You will be given an information pack once your notices have been given, which will give details of what time you both need to arrive at your venue on the day. You are both required to be ready for a pre-ceremony interview by the registrar before your ceremony can begin – this interview is essential to ensure that all of your personal details are correct on the day for the registration of your marriage or civil partnership. Your guests will be seated whilst this interview is taking place and so it may be useful for you to appoint an usher who can help co-ordinate this. It is very important that you and your guests arrive in plenty of time – it is probable that the registrars will have other ceremonies to attend on the same day and so we are unable to delay the start of your celebration so that we do not risk being late for any other couple’s booking. If you are late for your ceremony, we may not be able to proceed as planned, so to avoid any disappointment, please make sure that you have allowed enough time to get ready and arrive at the venue calmly and promptly. Witnesses On the day of your ceremony, the law requires that you bring with you at least two other people who are prepared to witness your celebration and sign the marriage register or civil partnership schedule. They may be relatives, friends or colleagues who are able to speak and understand English, as they must be able to comprehend what is taking place and testify to what they have seen and heard.

DK Photography Isle of Wight,

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