- 5 0
- 5 5
- 6 0
- 6 5
- 7 0
- 7 5
- 8 0
- 8 5
- 9 0
- 9 5
- 1 0 0
1 0 2
1 0 3
1 0 4
F r e q u e n c y ( H z )
Figure 2.3. Spectral Response of a Dull Hit
A sound wall design will require effective attenuation in the 1,000 Hz octave band and above. In most applications, any material having a sound transmission class meeting STC 20 can be used to construct a sound wall or fence for pickleball provided best practices for sound barrier construction are followed. 2.2 Measuring Pickleball Sound Due to the short duration of the impact, averaging sound pressure level metrics such as equivalent-continuous level (Leq), maximum fast exponential time weighted level (Lmax), and impulse time weighting (LAI) fail to accurately represent the perceived loudness of the paddle impact and impact processes in general. The fast exponential time weighting filter is a first order lowpass filter with a 125 millisecond time constant applied to the square of the acoustic pressure waveform. If a tone burst is applied to the squaring circuit and filter, after two milliseconds the filter output will only rise to a level that is 18 dB lower than the equivalent-continuous sound pressure level of the input signal. Because the short impulse is being significantly attenuated by the averaging in the sound level meter, in practice it is generally not possible to distinguish pickleball paddle impacts from the background noise when measuring Leq or Lmax even though
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