Director Boudin asked additional questions about the laundry card reader, security & 8 simple rules handouts to new owners and renters, information packets left at security for visitors, additional space heaters, and a need for instructions on how to work the TV equipment in the Owners Lounge. Director Leahy asked questions about the security cameras, and prox card tracking capabilities at the ES Kitchen. Committee Reports
None Consent Agenda
A. Minutes Approval 1. Board Meeting- October 19, 2020 Director Leahy asked that the Minutes be moved to New Business for discussion.
Unfinished Business
A. Rule Changes- 2 nd Readings 1. La Palma & El Saguaro Kitchens The Board discussed the second reading of the ES Kitchen rule change. A motion was made by Director Leahy to withdraw the 1 st posting of the proposed rule change for the ES kitchen. Second- Director Boudin Approved: Majority Approve (Boudin, McCune, Leahy, Hare, Farmer) Disapprove (Barber, Renoe) Director Boudin asked that COVID appropriate cleaning supplies be supplied in the kitchen for self-clean up after use. 2. Election The Board discussed the 2 nd reading of the ORPS Election Rules to comply with newly changed State Law . A motion was made to approve the second reading of the completely rewritten election rules and adopt them. Motion- Treasurer Hare Second- Director McCune
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