Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide


Placemaking and Health

It is important that wayfinding information be provided in convenient locations but outside the pedestrian zone so as not to obstruct movement along the sidewalk. A bicycle wayfinding system should also be incorporated that consists of comprehensive signage and/or pavement markings to guide bicyclists to their destinations along preferred bicycle routes. Signs should be placed at decision points along bicycle routes, typically at the intersection of two or more bikeways and at other key locations. Decision signs should be provided to inform the bicyclist of the designated bike route to access key destinations such as schools, local or regional parks and trails, transit centers and stations, commercial centers, on-street bikeways, and civic/community destinations. Bicycle wayfinding signs have notable benefits including familiarizing users with the network, overcoming a “barrier to entry” for infrequent bicyclists, and visually indicating to motorists that they are driving along a bicycle route and should use caution. Signs that include mileage and travel time to destinations may help minimize the tendency to overestimate the amount of time it takes to travel by bicycle. 27 Public Art Street design can improve the experience for all streets users by reflecting the shared artistic, scientific, or institutional heritage of the communities they pass through. Culture is reflected in a community’s streets through public art, gateways, and landmarks. These elements can be complemented by corridor branding techniques, such as landscaping, hardscaping, and/or decorative lighting and street furniture. The proper inclusion of these elements reinforces a sense of place. The County Code of Ordinances establishes not only a public art program, but a public art committee to coordinate the funding of public art through the Capital Improvement Program 28 .

27 National Association of City Transportation Officials, Urban Bikeway Design Guide https://nacto.org/publication/urban-bikeway-design-guide/bikeway-signing-marking/bike-route-wayfinding- signage-and-markings-system/ 28 Hillsborough County Code of Ordinances, Ch. 20, Art. III, Sec. 20-58.

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