Safer Roadways: A Complete Streets Guide
While the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) and peak hour guidelines are good for an initial road diet screening, a detailed analysis is needed to understand the specific operating conditions within the corridor. Factors such as transit stops, local deliveries, emergency services, impacts to parallel facilities and local acceptance must also be part of the decision-making process. One more consideration is that roadways are typically designed to meet peak hour traffic flow demand while much of the day there is excess roadway capacity that leads to higher speeds. Increases in delay with a road diet can be tolerated if the overall safety of the roadway is improved all day and every day, particularly in Urban General (C4) and Suburban Town (C3T) contexts. Quick Builds Some projects may be suitable for an alternative project delivery approach that reduces the time associated with the implementation process. Quick builds, sometimes called Tactical Urbanism, is about small-scale actions serving a larger purpose that includes activating public space in all communities, large or small, urban, suburban, or rural. The idea focuses on improving livability on our streets and commonly starts at the street, block, or building scale. Quick build projects capitalize on opportunities to shorten project delivery timeframes by planning and designing with the expectation that the project may undergo change after installation. Quick build projects typically utilize materials that efficiently allow such changes to be made. For example, flex posts or planters can be used to create a curb extension, bike
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