Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide


Safer Roadways: A Complete Streets Guide

context classifications where roadways serve a wider variety of purposes beyond moving motor vehicle traffic. The physical characteristics of the young, the aging, and people with different physical abilities introduce a variety of human factors that can influence driving, walking, and cycling abilities. Roadway users’ varying skills and abilities should influence roadway design. Roadway users should be taken into consideration when determining design details such as sidewalk widths, type of bicycle facility, design speed, signal timing and spacing, location of pedestrian crossings, number of vehicular travel lanes, intersection width, and lighting. The intent of this document is to provide a one-stop guide for designing new or retrofitting existing streets. This chapter provides an overview of the purpose, the benefits, the principles, and how Hillsborough County will deliver the intended outcomes. Purpose Hillsborough County has developed the Complete Streets Guide to provide policy and design guidance to all parties involved in street design projects: governmental agencies, consultants, private developers, and community groups. It is the goal of this guide to support the development of streets that are

Comprehensive Plan - Mobility Element Goals

 Build a Transportation system that supports the needs of all users with respect to ability, resources, identity, or mode preference.  Achieve Vision Zero by providing a multimodal transportation system that prioritizes the safety of all roadway users.  Maintain the system in good repair, preserve assets, and improve resiliency to climate change.  Provide safe and convenient connections within the transportation network that support multimodal access to key destinations, such as community focal points, employment centers and services throughout the County.  Create a sustainable transportation system that allows people to take their mode of choice to access necessities, opportunities, recreation, and each other.  Build a smart system that utilizes technology and strategies to improve safety, efficiency, and reliability for all modes of transportation and to meet the needs of all users.  Provide a multimodal transportation system that supports planned future land use, respects historical and cultural assets, supports the identity of the surrounding community, and protects the natural environment.

safe for all users, with consistency in policy and design across Hillsborough County streets. This guide builds on the Comprehensive Plan’s Context Based Classification to further the County’s vision for its future built environment. It bridges the gap between Transportation and Land Use by interpreting the desires of a future condition based on community plans

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