Safer Roadways: A Complete Streets Guide
A mid-block crossing is proposed east of the Violet Orchid Place intersection with a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB). The nearest pedestrian crossing opportunities are located 500 feet in either direction so the inclusion of a protected mid-block crossing in this area ensures that pedestrian crossings are provided at least every 1/8 mile, as discussed in Chapter Five. This location also allows the pedestrian to fully enjoy the wetland, which is used as a placemaking element. An ample furnishing zone in the form of 10-12-foot buffers is provided. At this location, opportunities to integrate green infrastructure techniques into the furniture zone should be considered. Separation of the sidewalk from the travel lanes on the south side of Symmes Road in this area is not possible to the west due to the extra road width providing a left turn lane at a subdivision entrance. A buffer could be possible if the travel lanes were shifted to the north. The lack of separation may not be ideal where a physical restriction (left-turn lane) is present, but the inclusion of a sidewalk in residential areas is a better outcome than not having the sidewalk at all. The proposed conditions visualization in Figure 7-26 demonstrates the proposed improvements in a dramatically improved setting. There are two travel lanes, a shared use path on the north side of the street and a sidewalk on the south, a mid-block crossing with RRFB to the east of the intersection, and boardwalks on the north and south side of Symmes Road adjacent to the wetlands. The current 35 MPH posted speed has been reduced to 25 MPH creating a much more accessible, comfortable, and safer environment for all users.
Figure 7-26 Proposed Conditions Rendering: Violet Orchid Place
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