Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide



cannot drive or choose not to own an automobile is another priority of the Mobility Section. Preparing for New Technology The transportation landscape is changing rapidly because of the onset of technology such as connected or self-driving vehicles and smart infrastructure. These have been facilitated by the convergence of communication, computer and vehicular technologies. Likewise, shared mobility enables the short-term use of transit, ride-hailing services, shared cars, bicycles and even scooters to get around. The Mobility Section contains policies to evaluate, prepare for and leverage new technology for the JUHDWHVWSXEOLFEHQHȴW Respecting the Context Context means the area traversed by a transportation corridor. Context- sensitive roads respect the natural environment, the planned land uses and development patterns adjacent to the public right-of-way. Context- EDVHGSODQQLQJDQGGHVLJQLVDȵH[LEOH approach to address multimodal needs LQGL΍HUHQWFRQWH[WV7KH0RELOLW\ 6HFWLRQFODVVLȴHVWKHURDGQHWZRUNLQWR several contexts appropriate for rural, suburban or urban settings.

crash corridors, manage speeds, design more forgiving roadways, promote better behavior and observance of WUDɝFODZV Preserving the System Maintaining the County’s multimodal transportation system in good repair, improving its evacuation capability and enhancing its resiliency to withstand and recover from a disaster are also addressed by the Mobility Section. Promoting Connectivity To achieve a truly connected system, the Mobility Section addresses safe and convenient connections for multimodal access to community focal points and other destinations. Putting People First Streets are recognized as part of a public realm that should accommodate people of all ages and abilities, including transit riders, walkers, bicyclists, wheelchair users, motorists, freight handlers and even electric scooter riders. This approach is known as Complete Streets and can help achieve a safer system, higher quality of life and greater economic development. Enabling people who

This Section of the Comprehensive Plan was formerly called the Transportation Element. It incorporates new themes and policies to promote:

Working Towards Equity Past discriminatory policies and

practices have marginalized racial or ethnic minorities and excluded them from planning and decision-making. 7KHH΍HFWVDUHVWLOOIHOWWRWKLVGD\ equity and fairness require proactive steps to rectify them. The Mobility Section seeks to identify and overcome barriers to full participation, alleviate disproportionate burdens and ensure that underserved communities receive DIDLUVKDUHRIEHQHȴWV

Focusing on Safety Vision Zero is an international

movement aimed at ending roadway deaths. At its core is the belief that death and serious injury on our streets are preventable. The Mobility Section establishes policies to focus on high-


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