1.2.1 Support projects and strategies that lead to lower vehicle emissions, improved air quality, lower rates of asthma and other chronic diseases, or promote active transportation such as walking and bicycling. Consider both positive and negative socio-economic, physical and mental health impacts of transportation projects, especially on underserved communities including people with disabilities, chronic diseases and limited resources.
Objective 1.2
1.2.2 When prioritizing projects, support routine roadway maintenance and LQIUDVWUXFWXUHLPSURYHPHQWVEHQHȴWLQJXQGHUVHUYHGFRPPXQLWLHV
1.2.3 Prioritize projects that enhance multimodal access to parks, recreation, health care, healthy food, better jobs, schools and other community elements.
&RQVLGHUWKHHHFWRIWROOVDQGPDQDJHGODQHVRQORZLQFRPHKRXVHKROGV and ensure that there are alternative facilities for those who aren’t able to pay the toll, or that they have other ways to access such facilities, such as transit and high-occupancy vehicles.
1.2.5 Any potential tolling strategy should mitigate induced demand and support the County’s growth management approach.
Recognize and avoid repeating past injustices, strive to alleviate or mitigate disproportionate burdens on underserved communities DQGHQVXUHWKDWWKH\UHFHLYHDIDLUVKDUHRIEHQHȴWV
Objective 1.3
1.3.1 Prioritize transportation projects in underserved communities, especially low-income and minority communities, that increase access to community services and employment opportunities.
1.3.2 Ensure projects serving a larger need are aligned to avoid, minimize or mitigate impacts, particularly those resulting from expanded right-of- way, to neighborhoods and underserved communities.
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