Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide



Achieve Vision Zero by providing a multimodal transportation system that prioritizes the safety of all roadway users.


Use an integrated Safe Systems Approach to develop and design improvements.

Objective 2.1


2.1.1 Utilize speed management, re-evaluating design and posted speeds to achieve WDUJHWVSHHGVEDVHGRQFRQWH[WFODVVLȴFDWLRQDQGRWKHUDSSOLFDEOHEHVW practices.

2.1.2 When prioritizing transportation projects, consider increased funding for safety and speed management projects.

2.1.3 Employ context-sensitive and user appropriate complete streets guidelines and VWDQGDUGVWRLPSOHPHQWVWUDWHJLHVVXFKDVEX΍HUHGELNHODQHVVLGHZDONVRQ

both sides, appropriately spaced crosswalks, safety lighting, trees and VHSDUDWLRQRIPRGHVWUDYHOLQJDWGL΍HUHQWVSHHGVWRFDOPWUDɝF

2.1.4 Implement travel lane width reductions appropriate to the context to provide space for sidewalks, bike facilities and other multimodal enhancements.

2.1.5 Ensure that funding for context-sensitive street lighting is provided to enhance the safety of collector and arterial roadways.

 3XUVXHLPSURYHPHQWVWRUHWURȴWH[LVWLQJURDGZD\VWKDWUHTXLUHOLWWOHFDSLWDO RXWOD\ LHVLJQDJHUHVWULSLQJVKDUHGXVHODQHVDQGDSSURSULDWHWUDɝF control measures), but will integrate multimodal facilities and improve safety, comfort and access of bicyclists and pedestrians.

2.1.7 Where bike facilities or sidewalks are not currently part of the road, include these facilities in maintenance, resurfacing or restriping projects when feasible.


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