Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide

2.2.1 Employ context-sensitive and user appropriate complete streets guidelines and standards for the design of streets that inform and provide for pedestrian crossings, target speeds, modal separation and visibility appropriate to ensure that vulnerable users are prioritized, and fatal and severe crashes are eliminated. Protect vulnerable users, such as bicyclists, pedestrians, children, seniors and people with disabilities, through a Safe Systems Approach, speed management techniques and context-sensitive multimodal facility design.

Objective 2.2


2.2.2 Provide safe, convenient, signalized or unsignalized roadway crossings that DUHHDVLO\LGHQWLȴDEOHE\SHGHVWULDQVDQGPRWRULVWVVSDFHGDWDSSURSULDWH intervals given the context of the roadway.

2.2.3 Utilize techniques such as extended crossing times, audible pedestrian signals, leading pedestrian intervals and other assistive devices to enable all users to cross streets safely.

2.2.4 Utilize innovative materials for pedestrian facilities where feasible, especially if they improve mobility and safety for people with disabilities.

2.2.5 Design driveway crossings of sidewalks, pathways and bike facilities so that motorists have adequate visibility to react and yield to approaching users.

2.2.6 Minimize driveways near intersections and lessen their entry speed to UHGXFHFRQȵLFWZLWKYXOQHUDEOHXVHUVDQGSUHYHQWVHULRXVLQMXULHVRU fatalities.

2.2.7 Implement Safe Routes to Schools improvements and other walk and bike education programs to increase safety and to reduce school-related vehicle trips.


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