Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide

Assist in the equitable education of road users and the fair HQIRUFHPHQWDQGDGPLQLVWUDWLRQRIWUDɝFODZVFRQVLVWHQWZLWK established Vision Zero principles.

Objective 2.3


2.3.1 Support measures to implement consistent, equitable and fair enforcement RIWUDɝFVDIHW\ODZVUHGXFHYLRODWLRQVDQGHQVXUHYXOQHUDEOHXVHUVȇULJKWV to share the roadway.

 6XSSRUWODZHQIRUFHPHQWVWUDWHJLHVWKDWDLPWRUHGXFHWUDɝFYLRODWLRQVWKDW contribute to severe injuries and fatalities, using a data-driven approach.

2.3.3 Support education programs for the proper use of multimodal facilities by all users.

2.3.4 Consider technologies such as red-light cameras, near-miss detection and vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) technology.

2.3.5 Consider technological applications, such as radar feedback signs and messaging, to emphasize that the speed limit is the maximum allowable speed.

Use a Safe Systems Approach to identify current and potential future high-injury corridors and make improvements to them.

Objective 2.4


2.4.1 Improve transportation system safety for all modes by reducing the Countywide crash rate, adhering to Vision Zero principles and using the Transportation Planning Organization’s (TPO) adopted performance measures, targets and monitoring to track progress on reducing fatalities and serious injuries.

2.4.2 Collaborate with the TPO, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the 6KHUL΍ȇV'HSDUWPHQWWKH6FKRRO%RDUGWKH&RPPXQLW\7UDɝF6DIHW\7HDP (CTST) and other related agencies to implement Vision Zero strategies.


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