Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide

Support the maintenance of public transportation assets.

Objective 3.2


3.2.1 Prioritize roadway maintenance along Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART) corridors to ensure reliability of the transit service, with special consideration for resurfacing projects.

3.2.2 Prioritize sidewalk repairs and maintenance of connections to HART bus stops, including crosswalk improvements, signals and streetlights as necessary and feasible to enhance pedestrian safety and access.

3.2.3 Where feasible, support transit by providing County-owned property for park and ride lots and maintenance facilities, as requested by HART.

3.2.4 Support Sunshine Line in maintaining their vehicles, equipment and facilities in a state of good repair and replacing them when they reach the end of their service life.

Maintain or improve the capability of the multimodal system to evacuate vulnerable populations and enhance the system’s resiliency to withstand and recover from a disaster.

Objective 3.3


3.3.1 Coordinate with public and private sector organizations on the provision of infrastructure such as evacuation routes and shelter capacity, on the preparedness of target populations such as those who are historically marginalized or have mobility challenges, and on post-disaster recovery.

3.3.2 Coordinate with the TPO to prioritize transportation improvements for evacuation routes.

3.3.3 Mitigate or avoid disruption and damage to roads, bridges, terminals, WUDQVLWȵHHWIDFLOLWLHVDQGHTXLSPHQWIURPLQXQGDWLRQDQGVWRUPVXUJH



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