5.5.3 Coordinate with HART to design designated new roadways and roadway LPSURYHPHQWVZLWKWUDQVLWODQHVSXOORDUHDVDQGRUFRPIRUWDEOHDQGZHOOOLW bus stops, where appropriate.
5.5.4 As requested by HART, require bus stop facilities and appropriate access to those facilities to be designed as part of new private development projects.
5.5.5 Promote access to transit via a safe multimodal network through street and site design guidelines and capital improvements that complete the network in the vicinity of existing and planned transit stops and encourage bicycle, pedestrian and public transit use.
Work with HART, the Florida Commission for the Transportation 'LVDGYDQWDJHGDQGRWKHUSURYLGHUVWRLPSURYHWKHPRELOLW\RI transportation disadvantaged populations through paratransit and other services.
Objective 5.6
5.6.1 Continue to work as the designated Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) to coordinate, plan for and expand services to the transportation disadvantaged.
ΖQFRQVXOWDWLRQZLWKDHFWHGVWDNHKROGHUVGHYHORSVWUDWHJLHVWRLQFHQWLYL]HWKH location of new facilities that have a high percentage of clients who are transportation disadvantaged (e.g., new nursing homes, group homes and Community Residential Homes) within HART’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) service area.
5.6.3 Identify capacity within the coordinated system and fund expanded service to work, school, healthcare, shopping and social destinations for the transportation disadvantaged population. Prioritize transportation disadvantaged trips in areas outside of the HART service area.
5.6.4 Continue to implement the County’s ADA Transition Plan for the construction of sidewalks, crosswalks, wheelchair ramps and improved access to bus stops on all County-maintained facilities.
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