Build a comprehensive bicycle/pedestrian system, including multi- use trails or side paths, sidewalks, pedestrian crossings and on- road bicycle facilities, to attract more people to walk and bicycle for all trip purposes.
Objective 5.7
5.7.1 Incorporate a bicycle and pedestrian network adequate to support population growth at adopted levels of service into the Corridor Preservation Plan.
5.7.2 Seek opportunities to construct multi-use trails or side paths adjacent or parallel to limited access highways, along drainage channels, shorelines, and various utility and railroad right-of-way.
5.7.3 Use trails and shared-use paths to connect schools, neighborhoods, parks, greenways, and civic, residential, and commercial districts, excluding paths
through preserves and conservation parks. Use techniques such as cooperative agreements, easements, public right-of-way and Land Development Code standards.
5.7.4 Connect or accommodate future connections to planned and/or existing trails within new development.
5.7.5 Encourage the creation of nonmotorized connections in areas where roads are unlikely to be added, including large residential developments.
5.7.6 Provide access to trailheads, especially those serving coastal resources, lakes and other natural areas for residents and “ecotourism.”
5.7.7 Coordinate trail planning among neighboring jurisdictions to enhance the trail network and linkages.
5.7.8 Evaluate ways to fund trails and shared-use paths used for mobility
(including, but not limited to, developer contributions) and implement those initiatives supported by the BOCC.
5.7.9 In cooperation with state, regional and local entities, ensure no actions are taken that impair the access to or use of trails and shared-use paths used for mobility.
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