Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide

0RGHUQL]HWKH&RXQW\ȇVWUDɝFPDQDJHPHQWFHQWHUWRPRQLWRU and optimize the performance of pedestrian, bicycle, transit and vehicle travel, expand the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) network and leverage “big data” for improved real-time monitoring of system and assessment of multimodal needs.

Objective 6.2


6.2.1 Monitor roadway conditions, minimize disruptions, provide predictable travel times, respond to emergencies and inform road users.

 ΖPSOHPHQW760 2DQGΖ76VWUDWHJLHVWRHQKDQFHWUDɝFȵRZPDQDJHDFFHVV improve safety, support multiple modes and increase the throughput of people and vehicles.

 ΖQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWK)'27DQGPXQLFLSDOLWLHVXSGDWHRUUHSODFHH[LVWLQJWUDɝF control devices as needed to ensure that they are compatible with ITS, interoperable with legacy systems and devices owned by other jurisdictions, provide transit signal priority and take advantage of advances in technology.

6.2.4 Implement an arterial surveillance program to detect and manage incidents, HVWDEOLVKSURWRFROVZLWKȴUVWUHVSRQGHUVWRFOHDUODQHEORFNDJHVDQGDFKLHYH improved reliability and operations.

6.2.5 Collaborate with neighboring jurisdictions, technology providers and the private sector to ensure coordination across City and County lines for leveraging new technologies.

 ΖQFOXGHELF\FOHVHQVLWLYHWUDɝFFRQWUROVLJQDOVDSSURSULDWHO\LGHQWLȴHG with road markings and signs, in all intersection improvement projects and new construction.


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