Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide

Increase person-trips and reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT), especially in peak periods, by supporting sustainable WUDQVSRUWDWLRQDOWHUQDWLYHVR΍SHDNWUDYHOFORVHUGHVWLQDWLRQV DQGRWKHU7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ'HPDQG0DQDJHPHQW 7'0 VWUDWHJLHV

Objective 6.3


6.3.1 Continue to support ridesharing and transit usage by encouraging County employees to enroll in ridesharing programs, such as providing discounted vanpool and bus passes to employees for commute trips, and by developing ȵH[WLPHDQGWHOHFRPPXWLQJSURJUDPV 6.3.2 Continue to support public/private partnerships such as micromobility opportunities and Transportation Management Organizations (TMOs to promote TDM strategies and programs in regional activity centers and other densely developed areas.

6.3.3 Coordinate with TMOs to encourage employers to adopt strategies such as ȵH[LEOHZRUNKRXUVFRPSUHVVHGZRUNZHHNVVWDJJHUHGVWDUWWLPHVDQG telecommuting to reduce peak period congestion.


6.3.5 Utilize standards and guidelines to ensure that new development and

redevelopment provide onsite bicycle and pedestrian facilities that connect to DGMDFHQWR΍VLWHIDFLOLWLHV

6.3.6 Create incentives supportive of transit, vanpool and carpool usage, such as requiring transit amenities and facilities in development projects, and promoting pedestrian-friendly, disability-friendly environments in development and redevelopment.

6.3.7 Encourage mode shift through the provision of pedestrian and bicycle

commuting amenities such as secure bicycle storage, showers, lockers and curbside amenities such as weather protection, benches and canopies/shading DW&RXQW\IDFLOLWLHVDQGZLWKLQSULYDWHFRPPHUFLDODQGRɝFHGHYHORSPHQWV


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