Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide


Objective 6.4


6.4.1 Work with the private sector to provide incentives for trip reduction through VWUDWHJLHVVXFKDVSULFLQJDQGSUHIHUHQWLDOSDUNLQJDQGGURSR΍IRUFDUSRRO vanpool and other shared vehicles in mixed-use developments and major employment centers.

6.4.2 Update the Land Development Code to provide context-sensitive standards and incentives for private development to integrate transit connections and IDFLOLWLHVLGHQWLȴHGLQWKH7UDQVLW'HYHORSPHQW3ODQ

6.4.3 Encourage private development to provide pedestrian, bicycle and transit facilities onsite through context-sensitive regulatory changes including but not limited to reducing parking requirements.

6.4.4 Encourage new development and redevelopment to provide bike parking facilities.

6.4.5 Manage curb space to meet the dynamic demands for space, support food and SDFNDJHGHOLYHULHVDQGIDFLOLWDWH71&GURSR΍VLQDSSURSULDWHORFDWLRQV

Pursue corridor widening strategically, maximizing existing roadway capacity and increasing capacity for vehicular and transit movement while considering lower-cost alternatives, such as increased frequency on existing transit routes.

Objective 6.5


6.5.1 Evaluate corridors with frequent transit service for improvements to increase reliability, such as dedicated transit lanes and signal prioritization, especially in cases where transit compares favorably with the cost and convenience of driving and parking.

6.5.2 Develop plans to provide cross access for developments that front on collector or arterial roadways. FDOT participation shall be requested in the planning process for projects fronting on the State highway system.


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