Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide

Improve multimodal surface transportation connections to major military installations, tourist destinations, airport, port, ferry, rail and intermodal terminals for passengers and freight.

Objective 6.6


6.6.1 Coordinate with MacDill Air Force Base on mobility and transit improvements that impact the base, including but not limited to, express bus, vanpool and ferry connections.

6.6.2 Encourage the development and implementation of transportation and ZD\ȴQGLQJSURJUDPVWKDWIXUWKHUHQKDQFHWKHFRQQHFWHGQHVVRIWRXULVP assets, including hospitality, local businesses, event centers, conservation parks and preserves, and other destinations.

6.6.3 Collaborate with Port Tampa Bay (PTB), the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority (HCAA), the TPO and FDOT to assess the need to provide or improve intermodal links to airports, seaports and rail/trucking facilities when Master Plans are updated. 6.6.4 Work with the PTB, HCAA, HART, TBARTA and other transportation agencies in WKHSXUVXLWRIHɝFLHQWSDVVHQJHUDQGIUHLJKWFRQQHFWLRQVEHWZHHQ7DPSD International Airport (TIA), regional transit, the cruise ship terminals on the Garrison Channel and other port facilities.

6.6.5 Coordinate with HART, TBARTA, FDOT and other agencies to ensure that rail terminals, whether for light rail, commuter rail or inter-city rail, are accessible by bus transit.

 0DQDJHDQGPDLQWDLQDVDIHHɝFLHQWDQGUHOLDEOHIUHLJKWVWUHHWQHWZRUN to provide freight access to and from intermodal freight facilities, industrial and commercial districts, and the regional transportation system.

6.6.7 Invest to accommodate growth of freight volumes and ensure designated routes and facilities are adequate for over-dimensional trucks and emergency equipment.



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