Minimize adverse impacts to residential and commercial neighborhoods and environmentally sensitive land.
Objective 7.2
7.2.1 Conduct corridor studies, including an environmental justice analysis, prior to any right-of-way acquisition for new road construction or major road widening to assess the impacts to adjacent areas and provide avoidance, minimization or mitigation mechanisms for adverse impacts.
7.2.2 Require the location and design of public roads and bridges to avoid, minimize or mitigate adverse impacts to wildlife habitats and vegetative communities.
7.2.3 Wildlife underpasses and overpasses shall be used to address transportation infrastructure’s potential impact on wildlife corridors and habitats.
7.2.4 Coordinate mobility improvements with natural resource agencies and County HQYLURQPHQWDOVWDWRDYRLGPLQLPL]HRUPLWLJDWHDGYHUVHLPSDFWVRQ wetlands, wildlife habitats and corridors, and other environmentally sensitive lands. 7.2.5 In coordination with the One Water Chapter, integrate green infrastructure into capital improvements planning and transportation infrastructure projects when feasible, including but not limited to roadways, sidewalks, medians and transit stations. &RRUGLQDWHZLWKWKH7DPSD5HJLRQDO2ɝFHRIWKH'LYLVLRQRI+LVWRULFDO Resources, Florida Department of State, natural resource and environmental agencies to provide for the consideration of the area’s historic, cultural, tribal and natural resources when new and expanded roadways are proposed.
7.2.7 Preserve existing stands of trees and/or provide new tree plantings associated with any roadway expansion or new construction.
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