3URWHFWQHLJKERUKRRGVIURPDGYHUVHLPSDFWVRIWKURXJKWUDɝF and travel speeds while providing reasonable access to and from residential areas.
Objective 7.3
7.3.1 Future roadway construction and reconstruction shall be designed and planned to mitigate adverse impacts on adjacent residential neighborhoods WKURXJKVXFKWHFKQLTXHVDVEXWQRWOLPLWHGWRODQGVFDSLQJWREXHU YLVXDOHHFWVDQGWKHXVHRIVRXQGZDOOV
&RQWLQXHWRXWLOL]HDSSURSULDWHWUDɝFFDOPLQJGHYLFHVDQGURDGZD\GHVLJQ principles to ensure speed is managed based on context.
7.3.3 Continue to provide support to community and civic groups that undertake voluntary roadway landscape programs in their local communities through education and assistance in addressing requirements.
Construct complete streets to achieve safety, comfort and aesthetics for appropriate users and modes.
Objective 7.4
7.4.1 Implement complete streets typologies based on the Context-Based &ODVVLȴFDWLRQ3ODQ
7.4.3 Implement regulations to improve the appearance of roadway corridors, including but not limited to, adding plantings to medians and regulating the number of billboards along a corridor.
7.4.4 Provide design features to emphasize the gateway character of designated roadways at the entrances to the County and to local communities.
7.4.5 Where appropriate, include art, creative design, cultural and historical markers, and other similar enhancements within the public right-of-way.
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