Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide

Built Environment 'HȴQLWLRQV

*These will be added to the 'HȴQLWLRQV VHFWLRQLQWKHȴQDO version of the Comprehensive Plan.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Network

Context-appropriate facilities designed for pedestrian and bicycle use, including facilities such as sidewalks, crosswalks, on-street bike facilities, multi-use trails and shared-use paths, whether independently aligned or side paths that parallel roadways. An agency created under federal and state law, to provide a forum for cooperative decision making, concerning regional transportation issues. 0HPEHUVKLSLQFOXGHVHOHFWHGDQGDSSRLQWHGRɝFLDOVUHSUHVHQWLQJDOOORFDO jurisdictions and transportation agencies in Hillsborough County. The TPO is VWD΍HGE\WKH+LOOVERURXJK&RXQW\&LW\&RXQW\3ODQQLQJ&RPPLVVLRQ 7KHRɝFLDOORQJUDQJHWUDQVSRUWDWLRQ \HDU SODQRIWKH732ZKLFK serves as a blueprint for a comprehensive transportation system in +LOOVERURXJK&RXQW\7KLVSODQGHȴQHVWKHPDMRUWKRURXJKIDUHVPDVV transit system, bicycle and pedestrian system, and surface connections to seaports and airports needed to provide an acceptable level of service through the horizon year. The “Needs Assessment” is unconstrained by funding. The “Cost Feasible” plan contains prioritized projects for which there is anticipated funding. Facilities that connect transportation modes, including but not limited to public transit, on-demand ridesharing, bike- and car-sharing services, pedestrian and bike connections, and paratransit. Mobility hubs are RIWHQORFDWHGDWEXVVWRSVWRHQDEOHFRQYHQLHQWWUDQVIHUVWRȴUVWODVWPLOH connections.

Hillsborough County Transportation Planning Organization (TPO)

Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) or Needs Assessment

Mobility Hubs


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