Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide

Built Environment 'HȴQLWLRQV

*These will be added to the 'HȴQLWLRQV VHFWLRQLQWKHȴQDO version of the Comprehensive Plan.

Transportation Network Company (TNC)

$QHQWLW\WKDWXVHVDGLJLWDOQHWZRUNWRFRQQHFWULGHUVWRGULYHUVDɝOLDWHG with the entity to transport the rider, typically by ordering and paying for prearranged rides.

Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSM&O)

An integrated set of strategies to optimize the performance of existing transportation infrastructure through the implementation of multimodal and intermodal, cross-jurisdictional systems, services, and projects designed to preserve capacity and improve security, safety, and reliability of the transportation system. TSM&O activities focus on a set of well-known VWUDWHJLHVVXFKDVLQFLGHQWPDQDJHPHQWWUDɝFVLJQDOWLPLQJUDPS metering, road weather management, and others. &RPPXQLWLHVWKDWKDYHKLVWRULFDOO\ODFNHGVXɝFLHQWDFFHVVWRWKH planning process and community resources, and that are disproportionately D΍HFWHGE\QHJDWLYHSODQQLQJRXWFRPHV7KHVHPD\EHGHVLJQDWHGEDVHG RQDJHLQFRPHHWKQLFLW\UDFHGLVDELOLW\ODQJXDJHSURȴFLHQF\DFFHVV to a vehicle, and education level, among other considerations. Map 4 of the Mobility Section shows the areas with the highest concentrations SRSXODWLRQVZLWKWKHVHFKDUDFWHULVWLFVDVLGHQWLȴHGLQWKH3ODQ+LOOVERURXJK Nondiscrimination and Equity Plan. $QLQWHUQDWLRQDOPRYHPHQWWRHOLPLQDWHDOOWUDɝFIDWDOLWLHVDQGVHYHUH injuries through a combination of intervention, outreach, enforcement, and GHVLJQSUDFWLFHV$WWKHFRUHRI9LVLRQ=HURLVWKHEHOLHIWKDWWUDɝFGHDWKV DQGLQMXULHVDUHSUHYHQWDEOHȂLQRWKHUZRUGVWKDWWUDɝFFUDVKHVDUHQȇW accidents, but are the result of poor behavior combined with unforgiving roadway designs.

Underserved Communities

Vision Zero


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