Hillsborough County Complete Streets Related Documents
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Livable Communities Element The Livable Communities Element contains all the adopted Community Plans. The Livable Communities Element, as a concept, are those designed to sustain basic life activities, economic needs, and the social well-being of individuals of all ages, specifically elderly and low-income populations. They also balance safe, multimodal, and accessible transportation systems to support these activities while maintaining cultural and environmental resources such as historic structures, wetlands, and traditional architectural styles unique to each community. It identifies future main streets, signature streets, urban design patterns and connectivity to help refine CBCs of Suburban Town (C3T) and Urban General (C4.) Relevance to This Guide The Livable Communities Element provides guidance to application of the Context Based Classifications. Future Land Use Element The Community Design Component of the Future Land Use Element (FLUE)of the Comprehensive Plan was drafted to support the County’s growth management program by providing a more specific vision of livable communities. This Element of the Comprehensive Plan presents design related goals, objectives, and policies for a more “people friendly” community design to create livable communities. It is organized categorically, providing design standards for each community system or element. These include community-level design, neighborhood-level design, roadway-level design, site design, and objectives to support the implementation of the livable community guidelines. The Livable Roadways Guidelines are incorporated into the community design component. These guidelines provide a new approach to roadway design which emphasizes the movement of people over vehicles and to create public spaces which enhance livability on city and c ounty transportation thoroughfares. They have been incorporated into the Livable Communities Element. It
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