Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide

Hillsborough County Complete Streets Related Documents


includes more flexible design features and standards which safely accommodate a variety of modes as well as vulnerable users. Relevance to this Guide This Complete Streets Guide incorporates Future Land Use Element’s Livable Roadways Guidelines, including the creation of complete transportation systems for pedestrians, transit users, and bicyclists through the design of streets which accommodate all modes. The Guide complements the objectives of livable roadways in creating safe, public spaces within the rights-of-way to support vibrant, sustainab le and user-friendly communities. It will further the goals and objectives of the Community Design Component, specifically: Plan a pattern of compact, livable and walkable neighborhoods and communities within the urban service area which are supported by locally oriented employment, goods and services. Create safer, more livable communities that foster interaction between people and discourage criminal activities through their environment and design. Provide a transportation system throughout the County that is safe and functional for all modes of transportation, is aesthetically-pleasing, and is designed to meet the overall needs of the communities it serves. Provide aesthetically pleasing landscape treatment along roadways and in the right-of-way. Provide for the implementation of Livable Communities considerations by integrating comprehensive plan and other c ounty policies relating to livable roadways into the planning and design process for transportation infrastructure through a process of interagency coordination. ITS TIME HILLSBOROUGH: 2045 LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN

Hillsborough MPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) sets the policy framework and guides funding for multimodal transportation projects for Hillsborough County and its municipalities. The LRTP was shaped by input from residents and collaboration with regional partners. Balancing population growth and quality transportation systems, it presents an innovative investment approach for transportation priorities and funding. The plan has a 25-year horizon and is updated every five years. The primary vision for the most recent update of the LRTP is “ twofold: invest in creating viable rapid transit in its own right-of-way and invest in safer

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