Hillsborough County Complete Streets Related Documents
The second step was to utilize available data to analyze the current trends and conditions and to pinpoint areas of high concerns. Additionally, the analytics helped to identify the major causes attributed to the crashes. The results of the analysis yielded the top 20 corridors for each mode including: severe automobile crashes, high bicycle and pedestrian crashes, and vulnerable user severe crashes. Additionally, data related to the cause of the crashes was extracted to produce the top 20 severe crash corridors due to aggressive driving, and little to no street lighting. Lastly, an Action Plan was developed in accordance with the goals and objectives that identified activities, responsibilities, and resources for implementation to improve mobility and avoid perpetuating the existing safety issues and problems as new roads and developments are built. The Plan identified the following goals moving forward for the County transportation program: Increase awareness of Vision Zero to influence safer behaviors on our roadways. Engage with victims of traffic violence and their families to provide a support system and a platform for their voices to be heard. Leverage the capabilities and existing resources of the community traffic safety team as a community law enforcement partnership. Establish a Vision Zero “Consistent & Fair” corridor program. Update policies, standards, and procedures to foster a culture of safety in the planning and design f or the transportation system. Create a safe multimodal transportation system through good design, lighting, and connected facilities. Relevance to this Guide The Guide will further the goals established in the Action Plan, specifically: Update policies, standards, and procedures to foster a culture of safety in the planning and design of transportation system improvements. Create a safe, multimodal transportation system through good design, lighting, and connected facilities By designing County facilities that accommodate all modal users and create safe, comfortable spaces, only then can Vision Zero be achieved. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT MANUAL The Project Development Manual (PDM) provides guidance on the project development process for all transportation projects, including analyses of operational conditions, engineering elements, and potential environmental and community impacts associated with a project. Through this process, the most appropriate solutions to transportation problems are identified and developed through detailed design and construction. The PDM is intended to provide technical guidance—not establish operating procedures. It incorporates and references the
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