Elements of Complete Streets
Figure 2-4 LTS Bicycle Facility Selection Process
To allow active transportation to be a viable transportation option, bicycle facilities must be designed to entice the Interested but Concerned to use that mode for short trips. Figure 2-5 provides guidance for how motor vehicle volume and speed can be taken into consideration to determine a preferred bikeway type 6 . Generally, the higher the speed and volume of a road, the more protective the recommended bikeway. Shared lanes or bicycle boulevards are recommended for the lowest speeds and volumes; bike lanes for low speeds and low to moderate volumes; and separated bike lanes or shared use paths for moderate to high speeds and high volumes. The Interested but Concerned cyclist is the design user; therefore, the most appropriate recommendation may be a more protective facility than necessary for an Enthused and Confident user.
6 USDOT Bikeway Selection Guide, 2019 https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/ped_bike/tools_solve/docs/fhwasa18077.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3rIcVmBOPJblEwbbaD_ EoFkoWgkaCani9taKPXxZuP9Jb8PJpgUGdGwoo
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