Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide

Elements of Complete Streets 39 bicycle parking racks, so they are not hit by large vehicles with overhangs maneuvering close to the curb. The desired horizontal clearance for bicycle parking racks is four feet to minimize the likelihood that a bicycle parked at the rack will be struck by a vehicle overhang maneuvering close to the curb. STREET LIGHTING Pedestrians are disproportionately hit

when visibility is poor: at dusk, night, and dawn. Providing illumination or improving existing lighting increases nighttime safety at intersections and mid- block crossings, as motorists can better see pedestrians. Pedestrian scale lighting along

sidewalks provides greater security. Transit stops require both kinds of lighting: strong illumination of the traveled way for safe street crossing, and pedestrian scale illumination at the stop or shelter for security 13 . According to FHWA, lighting is a proven safety countermeasure recommended for intersections and segments of roadways. Lighting significantly reduces nighttime injury pedestrian crashes at intersections, for all nighttime crashes on rural and urban intersections. Consistent lighting of a road is preferred to avoid dark / bright spots along a corridor; illumination should be continuous and even. Traffic Calming While traffic calming takes various approaches, the outcome is usually the same: reduced traffic speeds. Traffic calming is the combination of mainly physical measures that a) reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, b) alter driver behavior, and c) improve conditions for non-motorized street users. Reduce the Negative Effects of Motor Vehicle Use - changing the role and design of streets to accommodate motorists in ways that reduce the negative social and environmental effects on individuals, neighborhoods, districts, retail areas, corridors, downtowns, and society in general (e.g., reduced speeds, reduced sense of intrusion/ dominance, reduced energy consumption and pollution, reduced sprawl, and reduced automobile dependence).

13 FHWA ‐ HRT ‐ 08 ‐ 053, Informational Report on Lighting Design for Mid-block Crosswalks, April 2008

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