Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide


Safer Roadways: A Complete Streets Guide

SPEED CUSHIONS On emergency vehicle routes, speed cushions should be used. Speed cushions, unlike speed humps, include wheel cutouts for large vehicles to pass them unaffected by the vertical deflection. Speed cushions can also be used to install traffic calming devices on routes that may have bus or truck activity. These are often placed in a series typically at mid-block locations. Speed cushions are appropriate in suburban and urban contexts, with limited application in rural contexts.

RAISED PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS / INTERSECTIONS Raised pedestrian crossings, or raised intersections, are also known as Speed Tables. Raised pedestrian crossings are vertical elements which are longer than speed humps (22 feet) and flat on top rather than the rounded speed hump design. They allow for slightly higher operating speeds and can support transit and emergency vehicle access. They can also be incorporated into mid-block crossings and curb extensions to increase the safety of such crossings and signal that priority should be given to pedestrians rather than vehicles. Clear markings and signage are necessary to alter street users of their presence.

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