Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide


Street Typologies

RURAL (C1&C2) Rural Other

Low pedestrian and bicycle volume High speed through traffic - 35-45 MPH Median truck volume

Typically, 2-4 lanes 10-11 feet, wide shoulders for slower vehicles and bikes Appropriate, for drainage or landscaping N.A. Minimum 6 feet, buffered from travel lanes, marked crossings Preferred Optional N.A. Bicycle pavement markings through intersections, marked crossings Bicycle racks at key destinations, repair station may be considered

Landscaped Median on a two (2) lane Rural Roadway

N.A. N.A. N.A.

Median Island, Lane Elimination, Lane Narrowing, Street Trees

Roundabout on a two (2) lane Rural Roadway

Roundabouts N.A. Target Speed reduction

Bioswales, Trees, Infiltration Trenches, Riparian Buffers, Constructed Wetlands N.A. N.A. Street and Pedestrian-scale lighting at intersections and crossings

N.A. N.A.

Separated Bike Lane along a Rural Roadway* *Photo Credit: Small Town and Rural Design Guide; https://ruraldesignguide.com/

N.A. Preferred N.A. Pedestrian and Bicycle wayfinding

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